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Vilmorin Clause & Cie. registers a 6,2 % sales increase over 9 months
Progession de 6,2% du chiffre d'affaires sur 9 mois
Le 15 mai 2000
  1999/00 1998/99 1999/00 1998/99 % Evolution
In millions French Francs French Francs euros euros  
1) MOTHER COMPANY           
First quarter 9,2 6,2 1,4 0,9 48,4%
Second Quarter 11,9 10,9 1,8 1,7 9,3%
Third quarter 17,9 11,4 2,7 1,7 57,3%
Total 39,0 28,5 5,9 4,3 37,0%
2) CONSOLIDATED          
First quarter          
HOME GARDEN 183,6 176,7 28,0 26,9 3,9%
PROFESSIONAL 214,8 201,9 32,7 30,8 6,4%
HOLDING 0,1 0,2 0,0 0,0  
  398,5 378,7 60,8 57,7 5,2%
Second quarter          
HOME GARDEN 186,2 179,3 28,4 27,3 3,9%
PROFESSIONAL 233,7 215,7 35,6 32,9 8,4%
HOLDING 2,1 4,6 0,3 0,7  
  422,0 399,5 64,3 60,9 5,6%
Third quarter          
HOME GARDEN 555,1 521,8 84,6 79,5 6,4%
PROFESSIONAL 454,5 430,5 69,3 65,6 5,6%
HOLDING 9,6 1,9 1,5 0,3  
  1 019,2 954,2 155,4 145,5 6,8%
HOME GARDEN 924,9 877,6 141,0 133,8 5,4%
PROFESSIONAL 903,0 848,2 137,7 129,3 6,5%
HOLDING 11,8 6,6 1,8 1,0  
  1 839,7 1 732,4 280,5 264,1 6,2%

Vilmorin Clause & Cie's fiscal year runs from July 1st to June 30th. 

Consolidated sales as of March 31st, 2000 are 1 839,7 million French francs ( 280.5 million ), up by + 6.2 % compared to the same period last fiscal year. 

(millions) Sales
Evolution Evolution
with constant
perimeter and
Home Garden 924,9 141,0 877,6 133,8 + 5,4 % + 3,2 % + 1,2 %
Professional 903,0 137,7 848,2 129,3 + 6,5 % + 2,7 % + 2,0 %
Holding 11,8 1,8 6,6 1,0      
Total 1839,7 280,5 1732,4 264,1 + 6,2 % + 3,2 % + 1,9 %

With constant currencies, they increase by + 3.2 % (mainly Dollar and Pound Sterling effects). Restated for perimeter and currencies effects, the growth is 1.9 %. 

The Home Garden activity increases by + 5.4 % (+ 3.2 % with constant currencies). It profits mainly from the good integration of the Geissler activity into the German subsidiary Flora-Frey and from CNOS-Vilmorin's sales in Poland, both being taken into account as from January 2000.
With constant perimeter and currencies, the Home Garden activity grows by 1.2 % ; the good results in France and in Northern America compensate the delay of Suttons in Great-Britain which has not yet been completely made up for by an excellent month of March. 

The cumulated sales of the Professional Branch increase by + 6.5 % (+ 2 % with constant perimeter and currencies). The international development confirms with good progress in the Mediterranean area, in the Middle-East and in Northern America. It has also to be highlighted that Harris Moran (United States) recovered, as foreseen, at the end of March the delay shown at the end of the second quarter due to production area reductions in the West of the United States. 

Tendencies available at the end of March 2000 are on the whole in line with the forecasts.
Besides, the recent agreement with the American Group BALL, in the field of flowers for professionals, will have a positive effect on the results as of June 30th, 2000. In view of all these elements, the annual target should be achieved or even exceeded. 

Company news release


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