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Samen Mauser America and Global Seeds merge
El Centro, California
July 15, 1999

Robert Brown, President of Samen Mauser America Inc. (SMA) of El Centro, CA and Richard Gomer, president of Global Seeds of Hollister, CA jointly announce the merger of these two companies, which will operate as Samen Mauser America, Inc.

Samen Mauser America, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Samen Mauser AG of Winterthur, Switzerland, which specializes in short day hybrid onions, extended shelf life tomatoes, hybrid bell peppers and assorted specialty vegetables, herbs and flowers.

Global Seeds has been known for extensive open pollinated vegetable seed production and distribution worldwide.

According to Brown, this is an excellent marriage of two complementary product lines and capabilities. Global brings SMA infrastructure for customer service, the production, cleaning and packaging of seed, and a network of distributors in new markets for Samen Mauser.

Global Seeds distributors will have access to the product lines of Samen Mauser, which will help to strengthen their positions in their respective commercial markets.

The company will be managed by Robert Brown as President, located at the head office in El Centro, CA. In Hollister, CA, Craig Gomer will carry out duties as General Manager and Richard Gomer will serve as Consultant to Management.

Company news release


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