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European bioindustries call for a transparent approval system for genetically modified products
Brussels, Belgium
June 22nd, 1999

EuropaBio, the European Association for Bioindustries, appreciates the European Council of Environment Ministers' decision not to introduce a moratorium on Genetically Modified Organisms. However, it deplores the statement made by some member states that they will not approve new Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) until the Revision of Directive 90/220 has been adopted.

"We firmly believe that for the European public to gain confidence in these innovative and beneficial products, the European regulatory process needs clear and consistent pathways to be followed for approval of GMOs", said Anthony Arke, EuropaBio's Secretary General, in a reaction on the political agreement reached by the EU Council of Environment Ministers. He added: "Although the European Council of Environment Ministers has reached a political agreement for a
common position on the approval of GMOs, the Council has not made the necessary steps towards the creation of a really transparent regulatory process".

EuropaBio therefore calls for the creation of a European centralised system for the approval of biotechnology products, similar to the European authority which gives approvals for pharmaceutical products, and which European consumers can refer to. The creation of such a system was overwhelmingly approved by the previous European Parliament during last February's plenary session on the Proposed Review of the 90/220 Directive on the deliberate release of Genetically Modified Organisms into the environment.

As to the GM products which have been placed on the market so far, the Association is confident that they are safe for human and animal health and for the environment, as they have been subjected to rigorous risk assessments and science-based safety reviews by independent regulatory authorities around the world.

EuropaBio represents 47 corporate members operating worldwide and 12 national associations (totalling around 700 SMEs) involved in research and development, testing, manufacturing and distribution of biotechnology products. EuropaBio, the voice of European bioindustries, aims to be a promoting force for biotechnology and to present its proposals to industry, politicians, regulators and the public at large.

EuropaBio news release


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