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Savia reports 1999 results and takes further steps for additional growth
Monterrey, Mexico
February 25, 2000

Savia announced its fiscal year 1999 results. Net sales increased 184% to $2.669 billion, compared to $939 million the previous year.

Sales breakdown by division was as follows: Financial Services 64%, Agrotechnology 30%,
Packaging 5% and other businesses 1%. Foreign currency sales reached $1.185 billion, or 44%
of total consolidated net sales. The results of Seguros Comercial America and subsidiaries, which represents Savia's financial services division, were included in Savia's financial results starting March 1999.

Mr. Alfonso Romo, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, said: "Starting 1999 we
proposed a plan that would strengthen our companies financial structure. During the year, we
raised capital for Seminis through an IPO, divested Empaq's Aluprint business and signed, at the
beginning of 2000, a strategic partnership within our financial services businesses.'' Romo
continued. "These actions have allowed us to deliver on our promise of guaranteeing a healthy
financial structure to capitalize on the growth opportunities of each subsidiary and to increase
shareholder value.'' Romo added: "The long-term partnership we formed with ING Group
confirms both the growth potential we recognized in SCA when we acquired it in March 1999
and the value creation that Savia has achieved for this company.''

Operating Income for 1999 increased 211% compared to same period last year, reaching $44
million. EBITDA was $100 million, 103% increase over the one reported the same period in the
previous year.

Even though the major subsidiaries reported very favorable results on their own, when
consolidating at Savia at the end of the period there is a net consolidated loss in the amount of
$115 million. The main reasons of this result are derived from: non-cash goodwill amortization
derived from acquisitions in the amount of $88 million, and $45 million from comprehensive
financial cost.

Aluprint's results are accounted for as discontinued operations in Savia's consolidated financial
statements. For comparison reasons, the same mechanism was used for 1998 results.

Relevant Events

As a result of the acquisition of SCA during the first quarter of 1999, and as a consequence of
debt incurred because of acquisitions, Savia announced a strategic plan and actions to strengthen its financial structure. During 1999 the following actions were implemented:

The long-term partnership with ING Group, through which ING would acquire, for $555 million,
a participation of 39.7% of a new Savia subsidiary that holds 71.6% of Seguros Comercial
America. This transaction offers strategic advantages to potentialize SCA's growth, innovation and
market leadership in the financial services industry, and opens the possibility for the development
of new businesses and products in Mexico and abroad.

The net proceeds from this transaction will be applied to prepay Savia's outstanding floating rate
note. The deal is subject to the approval of authorities and Savia's shareholders. It is expected to
be closed by the end of the first quarter.

Seminis' IPO allowed the company to reduce its bank debt by $192 million and to increase its
capital stock by $206 million.

Proceeds from the divestiture of Aluprint, will allow this division's bank debt to be decreased by
$94 million.

These transactions provide Savia and its subsidiaries with added financial flexibility, through the
increase in equity or through debt reduction, potentialize their growth capabilities and deliver on
the plan announced at the beginning of 1999.

As of December 1999, Savia's net consolidated bank and subordinated debt reached $1.35
billion, of which 50% were at the holding level. This amount will be greatly reduced, once the
transaction with ING Group is completed.

Financial Services

Seguros Comercial America (BMV: SEGCOAM), in their report for the year 1999 (January-
December), which is consolidated with Savia only for ten months of the year, announced a growth
of 3.2% in written premiums for its fiscal year 1999 to reach $1.799 billion. Net income increased
278% for the same period of 1998 to $104 million. The increase in written premiums is the result
of the company's growth in life and health, which is a priority within this company's growth


The sales for Savia's subsidiary Seminis (Nasdaq: SMNS - news) reached $534 million during
1999, an increase of 21% compared to $442 million reported in its fiscal year October -
September 1998. Operating income reached $71 million, an increase of 38% compared to 1998.
Operating results for Seminis are positive and reflect a positive development. Nevertheless, the
price of its stock trading on Nasdaq, just like for other companies in the seed business has been
negatively impacted by the GMO controversy. As the market realizes that just 0.2% of Seminis'
annual sales come from genetically improved products, the price of its stock will more accurately
reflect the company's real value.

As a result of its various acquisitions and with a sound financial structure, Seminis is in the process of implementing a global program directed towards cost efficiency and synergy maximization that will positively impact the company's profitability.

Bionova Holding Corporation (Amex: BVA - news) reported sales of $233 million for the year
1999, 13% less than in 1998. This decrease is directly related to unfavorable climatic conditions
at the company's production locations. As a result of this, during 1999, the company incurred in
operating losses of $25 million.


EMPAQ (BMV: EMPAQ; ADR: EPQRY, CUSIP 291579100) increased its production volume
by 11% in 1999 for the same period the prior year, establishing a new record. Export sales
volume increased 9%, representing 18% of total volume sold.

Consolidated net sales for this division reached $145 million, 2% higher than those reported in
1998. The company's operating margin was 24.6%, or $36 million. The packaging division's
results do not include the Aluprint results.

Savia is a diversified business group strategically oriented towards leadership and the creation of
value. It seeks to participate in industries that offer a high potential for growth both on a domestic
and global level. Savia leads the way in agrotechnology applied to fruits and vegetables through
BIONOVA, focused on using its proprietary technology and plant science capabilities to develop
and improve the quality and agronomic traits of fruits and vegetables, and SEMINIS, a
technology-intensive company and worldwide leader in the production and commercialization of
fruit and vegetable seeds. SAVIA leads the Mexican insurance sector through its subsidiary
SEGUROS COMERCIAL AMERICA, and through its affiliates, is one of the leading non
banking financial services provider. Through EMPAQUES PONDEROSA, SAVIA is the
domestic leader in folding boxboard from recycled fibers. 

Company news release


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