Indianapolis, Indiana
May 18, 2009
Dow AgroSciences is pleased to announce support of four
Purdue University graduate
students working on projects related to seeds and traits
research and development. Their efforts will be focused on maize
breeding, biofeedstocks and biotechnology, with a project
duration of two to three years. All student projects will be
conducted at Purdue’s main campus in West Lafayette, Ind. Three
of the students will be based in the Department of Agronomy with
the fourth being a student of the Laboratory of Renewable
Resources Engineering.
“University collaborations play a vital role in Dow
AgroSciences’ strategic research plans as we work to transform
science into solutions to address the needs of the world’s
growing population,” said Daniel R. Kittle, Ph.D., vice
president of Research and Development, Dow AgroSciences. “This
partnership with Purdue helps accelerate our pace of progress in
building new options for growers through our seed platform and
extending our technology leadership in this important crop.”
Dow AgroSciences values the collaborative relationship with
preeminent research institutions such as Purdue University and
sees this type of relationship enhancing the overall
agricultural industry.
“There is a tremendous need within our industry for trained
plant breeders. This relationship with Purdue should help close
the gap and provide aspiring plant breeders the opportunity to
work on projects of relevance to our company under the tutelage
of the world-class faculty of Purdue,” says Steve Thompson,
global Seeds and Traits Research and Development leader, Dow
“The funds provided by Dow AgroSciences to support graduate
education are an example of the tremendous partnership between
Dow AgroSciences and Purdue Agriculture,” said Sonny Ramaswamy,
Purdue associate dean and director of Agriculture Research
Programs. “This effort truly epitomizes the shared opportunity
to develop the next generation of plant breeders and
Dow AgroSciences LLC, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, is
a top-tier agricultural company that combines the power of
science and technology with the "Human Element” to constantly
improve what is essential to human progress. Dow AgroSciences
provides innovative technologies for crop protection, pest and
vegetation management, seeds, traits, and agricultural
biotechnology to serve the world's growing population. Global
sales for Dow AgroSciences, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow
Chemical Company, are $4.5 billion.
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