Fargo, North Dakota
May 6, 2009
Field peas (Pisum sativum
L.), native to southwest Asia, were among the first crops
brought under cultivation by man. The largest acreages of field
peas in the U.S. are in North Dakota, Idaho, Oregon and
"As a cool-season legume crop, it fits well into small-grain
rotations," says Hans Kandel,
North Dakota State
University Extension agronomist for broadleaf crops.
The green and yellow-seeded varieties are used for human
consumption as dry split field peas. Field peas also are used as
protein concentrates for livestock and pigeon feeds. In North
Dakota, pea yields equal hard red spring wheat yields.
Field peas also can be used as a forage crop for hay, pasture or
silage. Field peas grown in a mixture with oats, barley or
triticale yield more dry matter per acre than a straight pea
"Field pea stems grow to a length of 2 to 4 feet," Kandel says.
"A true leaf consists of one to three pairs of leaflets, with a
terminal, branched tendril. The flowers are reddish purple or
white. The pods are about 3 inches long and contain four to nine
A cool growing season is necessary for optimum pea yields (a
mean temperature of 55 degrees to 65 degrees). Hot weather
during flowering may result in a reduced seed set. In North
Dakota, field peas take about 60 days from seeding until
flowering and 95 to 100 days to maturity.
Kandel suggests that producers select a variety that is suitable
for his or her farm operation and marketing strategy.
The moisture requirement for field peas is similar to that for
cereal grains.
"Field peas can be grown on a wide range of soil types, but
there must be good drainage because field peas do not tolerate
saturated or soggy conditions," Kandel says. "Field peas can be
grown in a no-tillage or conventional-tillage cropping system.
It grows best when seeded into a weed-free seedbed and fertile
soils. Land preparation for seeding is similar to that of wheat.
In order to obtain good soil-to-seed contact, seedbeds should be
firm, and avoid seedbeds with large clods. Do not work the soil
too finely or subsequent soil crusting following rains may cause
poor emergence."
Drill the seeds 1 to 3 inches deep in rows 6 inches apart as
early in the spring as feasible. The soil should not be
excessively wet at seeding. Seeding can be done with an air
seeder or grain drill.
"Adjust the seeder to prevent cracking of the seed, especially
with the large-seeded varieties because cracked seed will not
germinate," Kandel says. "Do not pack or roll immediately after
seeding if the soil moisture is high or excess compaction or
crusting can occur."
Pea seedlings can withstand considerable frost. Even if the
frost is severe enough to kill the main shoot, the pea plant
will regrow from buds at one of the nodes at or below the soil
surface. However, this will delay plant maturity.
Field peas are capable of utilizing bacterially fixed
atmospheric nitrogen.
"The specific bacterial association for nitrogen fixation in
field peas and lentils is with the bacterium Rhizobium
leguminosarium, which is a different bacteria species than is
used for soybean inoculation," Kandel says. "If field
peas are to be grown in a field for the first time or no peas
were grown there recently, inoculating the seed with the proper
Rhizobium prior to planting may increase nodulation. The pea
seed germination rate increases with increasing temperatures.
However, at temperatures greater than 64 degrees, the percentage
of seed germination decreases."
Treating the seed with a fungicide can improve emergence
significantly. Fungicide labels should be checked to see if a
particular fungicide can be used on field peas.
Having level ground is critical for easy harvesting. Stony
fields should be avoided or rolled after seeding to bury loose
stones that might be picked up during swathing and harvesting.
For more information on pea production, go to
For variety selection information, go to
http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/pubs/plantsci/crops/a1105.pdf |