Amarillo, Texas
April 30, 2009
The Texas Wheat Producers Board
recently approved a record-setting budget for research,
providing more than $333,000 in funding for
Texas AgriLife
Research and Texas AgriLife Extension Service projects.
Funding research projects through AgriLife Research and AgriLife
Extension allows for the development of disease- and
insect-resistant wheat varieties that are higher yielding to
ensure producer profitability into the future, according to
producer-members of the board.
“We really appreciate how the Texas Wheat Producers Board
interacts with the scientists,” said Dr. Jackie Rudd, AgriLife
Research wheat breeder in Amarillo. “Not only do they provide
funding, but they give direction and clarity to our research.
The wheat-improvement science that we do is not some academic
exercise, but has relevance in wheat production fields.”
Dr. John Sweeten, AgriLife Research director in Amarillo, said
the statewide small-grains research and extension program
involves academia working closely with industry under a
strategic plan guided by the Small Grains Advisory Committee.
“This is an excellent model that is available to emulate with
other crops,” Sweeten said. “The carefully coordinated approach
has fostered reinvestments in research and extension capacity in
terms of personnel and equipment. This involves leveraging
state-appropriated dollars with industry, including the Texas
Wheat Producers Board grants and royalties from certified seed
sales involving Texas Foundation Seed Service at Vernon.”
Ben Scholz of Wylie, who serves as the chair of the wheat
board’s research appropriations committee, said he knows the
investment in research promotion is essential to the success of
wheat producers such as himself.
“As producers, we don’t have all the answers,” Scholz said. “We
know a lot about crop production, but there is a lot left to be
discovered concerning genetics, disease and insect resistance,
and drought tolerance.”
Despite current economic hardships, he said, funding research
projects provides a needed economic benefit to producers.
“The board feels that current research is essential for
producers to remain competitive in an ever-changing global
market,” Scholz said.
And research funded here is not just important to Texas
producers, he said.
“Research benefits the whole world by ensuring an adequate
supply of food and fiber,” Scholz said.
Some projects funded this year include:
- Winter wheat breeding in
the High Plains and Rolling Plains.
- Wheat breeding for hard
winter wheat for South Texas and the Blacklands.
- Analyzing critical inputs
to the profitability of soft red winter wheat in Northeast
- Investigating viruses
vectored by the wheat curl mite.
- Marker-assisted selection
and development of high-value end-use quality wheat
cultivars and insect- and pathogen-resistance.
- Determining milling and
baking quality for wheat varietal selections.
- Evaluating Texas wheat for
tortilla production.
- Evaluating alternative
management practices including no-till.
- Off-station wheat variety
trials in multiple locations across the state.
“Without this vital research,”
said David Cleavinger of Wildorado, also a wheat board member,
“diseases, viruses and pests will plague us with production
shortfalls and strain our wheat producers with increased costs
per bushel.”
Funds for research projects are provided by the wheat check-off
program, as established by the Commodity Referendum Law. The
Texas Wheat Producers Board is charged with funding research,
education and market development from producer check-off funds. |