Indianapolis, Indiana
February 27, 2009
Two years of pre-registration field trials conducted by
Dow AgroSciences
demonstrate the broad-spectrum insect control of SmartStax ™
seed corn trait, a revolutionary new trait combination that is
expected to be available in elite hybrids for 2010 planting.
SmartStax is the first trait package to provide multiple modes
of action for above- and below-ground pest control by combining
the two leading trait families: HERCULEX® Insect Protection and
YieldGard®. SmartStax is under review by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), with registration anticipated in time
for 2010 planting. The technology was jointly developed and
submitted for EPA registration by Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto.
"SmartStax will provide more durable insect protection than
current insect traits, which offer only a single mode of action.
By combining multiple modes of action, SmartStax not only will
provide a broader spectrum of control, but will also lessen the
likelihood of target pests developing resistance," says Brent
Stauffacher, SmartStax product manager for Mycogen Seeds.
"That's why we've asked the EPA to consider the potential of a
reduced refuge requirement when growers plant hybrids containing
Field tests conducted by Dow AgroSciences researchers in 2007
and 2008 showed that SmartStax offers a greater level of insect
protection versus single mode-of-action insect traits that are
currently on the market.
"SmartStax will provide the broadest spectrum of control for
pests that damage corn yields and reduce grower income," says
Bill Hendrix, Dow AgroSciences North America biology team leader
for insect management traits. "Our research shows that the
control provided by SmartStax is more consistent than
first-generation insect traits with a single mode of action,
even under heavy pest pressure."
Effective below-ground pest control
Field trials show that SmartStax consistently provides better
control than single mode-of-action traits, and it prevents
rootworm damage that causes node injury and reduces yield.
Researchers monitored rootworm damage using a node injury scale
developed by Iowa State University. In the scale, 0.00
represents no root damage and a value of 3.00 is the highest
damage rating, indicating three nodes or circles of roots have
been destroyed by rootworms.
Hendrix points out that a node injury rating of 0.25 indicates
that a quarter of a node has been eaten. "This is the level
where yield damage starts to occur. Plants with node injury
ratings of 1.00 or higher are more susceptible to lodging and
further yield loss," he says. "Corn rootworm damage is
particularly stressful to the plant under drought conditions,
because the plant cannot take up enough moisture to maintain
optimum yield."
Dow AgroSciences research trials across eight states in 2007 and
2008 demonstrated that roots of SmartStax corn hybrids suffered
little damage from western corn rootworm (Figure 1). SmartStax
also provided the highest level of consistency, with 96 percent
of all root samples showing node injury ratings below 0.25
(Figure 2).
Figure 1 |
Figure 2 |
"Although the trials were
conducted over two very different growing seasons, SmartStax
showed the same pattern of performance in both years,
consistently preventing corn rootworm feeding that damages
yield," Hendrix says.
Hendrix adds that SmartStax field trials will continue in 2009,
as researchers gather additional information on the insect
protection performance of the trait combination, as well as its
impact on grain quality and yield.
Above-ground pest protection
A summary of 2007-08 field trials proves the efficacy of
SmartStax in reducing crop injury from corn earworm, western
bean cutworm and fall armyworm. SmartStax hybrids provided
broader insect protection compared with hybrids with HERCULEX
XTRA Insect Protection or YieldGard VT Triple PRO™ alone (Figure
Figure 3 |
Field trials also confirm that
SmartStax provides excellent control of corn borer species, such
as southwestern corn borer, as well as control of black cutworm.
"SmartStax will be particularly effective in protecting seedling
corn under extreme black cutworm pressure," Hendrix says.
Growers can expect SmartStax corn hybrids to be available from
Dow AgroSciences for 2010 planting in the Mycogen, Triumph,
Dairyland, Renze and Brodbeck brands.
Dow AgroSciences LLC, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, is
a top-tier agricultural company that combines the power of
science and technology with the "Human Element" to constantly
improve what is essential to human progress. Dow AgroSciences
provides innovative technologies for crop protection, pest and
vegetation management, seeds, traits, and agricultural
biotechnology to serve the world's growing population. Global
sales for Dow AgroSciences, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow
Chemical Company, are $4.5 billion. Learn more at
®HERCULEX is a trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC
SmartStax ™ multi-event technology developed by Dow AgroSciences
and Monsanto.
®™SmartStax, the SmartStax Logo, YieldGard and YieldGard VT
Triple PRO are trademarks of Monsanto Company.
SmartStax is not yet registered for sale or use. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency registration of SmartStax is
anticipated by 2010. This is not an offer for sale.
HERCULEX Insect Protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and
Pioneer Hi-Bred. |