Parma, Italy
June 17, 2009
Question number: EFSA-Q-2009-00464
In order to authorize the use of trifloxystrobin on several
minor crops, the Belgian authorities compiled on their own
initiative an application to modify the existing MRLs for
trifloxystrobin in parsley root, parsnips, salsify, swedes and
turnips. Belgium as the Evaluating Member State (EMS) drafted an
Evaluation Report according to Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No
396/2005 which was submitted to the European Commission and
forwarded to EFSA on 10 March 2009.
EFSA derives the following conclusions regarding the
application, based on the above mentioned Evaluation Report and
the Draft Assessment Report prepared by The United Kingdom in
the framework of Directive 91/414/EEC.
Reasoned opinion of EFSA
prepared by the Pesticides Unit
(PRAPeR) on the modification of
the existing MRLs for
trifloxystrobin in parsnips,
parsley root, salsify, swedes
and turnips
EFSA Scientific Report (2009)
314, 1-27. |