Rome, Italy
June 5, 2009
Dear Forum Members,
We wish to announce that Conference 16 of the FAO Biotechnology
Forum begins on Monday 8 June and runs for four weeks, finishing
on Sunday 5 July 2009. The title of the conference is "Learning
from the past: Successes and failures with agricultural
biotechnologies in developing countries over the last 20 years".
The aim of the e-mail conference is to bring together and
discuss relevant, often previously un-documented, past
experiences of applying biotechnologies at the field level (i.e.
used by farmers for commercial production) in
developing countries, assess the success or failure (partial or
complete) of their application, and determine and evaluate the
key factors that were responsible for their relative success or
The e-mail conference is being organised to complement a series
of five technical sector-specific documents (on biotechnology
applications in crops, forestry, livestock, fisheries and
aquaculture and, finally, food processing
and food safety) that FAO is preparing as part of the build up
to the international technical conference on Agricultural
Biotechnologies in Developing Countries (ABDC-09). ABDC-09 will
take place in Guadalajara, Mexico on 2-5 November 2009 and is
being co-organized by FAO and the Government of Mexico (
This e-mail conference, as usual, is open to everyone, is free
and will be moderated. The purpose of this message is to provide
you with the Background Document for the conference and to
invite you to join. The Background Document is now also
available on the web - at (in HTML) and
The Background Document aims to provide information about the
conference theme that participants will find useful for the
debate. After the Introduction, Section 2 of the document
provides a overview of the main kinds
of agricultural biotechnologies that have been used in
developing countries over the past 20 years and that should be
covered in the e-mail conference (including use of molecular
markers, genetic modification, chromosome number manipulation,
biotechnology-based diagnostics, development of vaccines using
biotechnologies, reproductive biotechnologies in livestock and
aquaculture, cryopreservation, tissue culture-based techniques,
mutagenesis, fermentation, biofertilisers and biopesticides). A
short description of the different biotechnologies is provided,
indicating also what they are used for, the food and
agricultural sectors involved and giving some examples of their
applications in specific developing countries. Section 3
presents some
specific guidance about this e-mail conference, including a
description of the issues participants should address as well as
potential factors to consider when assessing whether specific
applications of a biotechnology have been a partial or complete
success (or failure). In the final section, references to
articles mentioned in the document, abbreviations and
acknowledgements are provided.
As for all previous conferences hosted by the FAO Biotechnology
Forum, a document will be prepared after the e-mail conference
is finished to provide a summary of the main issues that were
discussed, based on the messages posted by the participants.
Please pass this information on to other colleagues who might be
interested in joining the conference. As the Background Document
sets the scene for the conference and highlights the elements to
be discussed, it should be read carefully by members wishing to
participate in the conference.
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This conference is quite short, lasting just four weeks. We
encourage you therefore to participate actively right from the
beginning of the conference. You can send messages now. Messages
will be posted from Monday 8 June onwards while the last day for
receiving messages for posting will be Sunday 5 July 2009. All
the e-mail messages posted during the conference will be placed
on the Forum website at
To contribute to the conference, send your message to
Before doing this, remember to carefully read the Rules of the
Forum as well as the Guidelines for Participation in e-mail
Conferences, which you got by e-mail in the Welcome Text when
you first joined the Forum (also available on the Forum website Note: participants
are assumed to be speaking on their own behalf and not on behalf
of their employers, unless they state otherwise.
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This e-mail conference will be moderated, so that all messages
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the Guidelines for Participation in e-mail Conferences and the
Rules of the Forum (e.g. that
they are not offensive), are not too long (600 words should be
the maximum length) and are directly relevant to the topic of
the conference. If you have questions or comments about this
e-mail conference you may contact the conference moderator, John
Ruane, at
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Best regards
John Ruane, PhD
FAO Biotechnology Forum Administrator
E-mail address:
FAO website
Forum website
FAO Biotechnology website
Learning from the past: Successes and failures with agricultural
biotechnologies in developing countries over the last 20 years
2. Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries
2.1 Molecular markers
2.2 Genetic modification
2.3 Chromosome number manipulation
2.4 Biotechnology-based diagnostics
2.5 Development of vaccines using biotechnologies
2.6 Reproductive biotechnologies
2.6.1 Artificial insemination
2.6.2 Embryo transfer
2.6.3 Hormonal treatment in aquaculture
2.6.4 Sperm/embryo sexing
2.7 Cryopreservation
2.8 Tissue culture-based techniques
2.8.1 Micropropagation
2.8.2 In vitro slow growth storage
2.8.3 In vitro embryo rescue
2.9 Mutagenesis
2.10 Fermentation
2.11 Biofertilisers
2.12 Biopesticides
3. Specific Points About This E-mail Conference
3.1 Issues to be addressed in the e-mail conference
3.2 Defining success and failure
3.3 Covering GM versus non-GM biotechnologies
3.4 Submitting a message
4. References, Abbreviations and Acknowledgements
1. Introduction
international technical conference on "Agricultural
in developing countries: Options and opportunities in crops,
livestock, fisheries and agro-industry to face the
challenges of food
insecurity and climate change" (ABDC-09) will take place in
Mexico on 2-5 November 2009. ABDC-09 is co-organized by FAO
and the
Government of Mexico (
Impetus for the conference comes from the need for concrete
steps to be taken
to move beyond the "business-as-usual" approach and to
respond to the growing
food insecurity in developing countries, particularly in
light of climate
change that will worsen the living conditions of farmers,
fishers and
forest-dependent people who are already vulnerable and food
insecure. The
recent increases in food prices have had dramatic
consequences globally. In
October 2008, FAO released its major report on "The State of
Food Insecurity
in the World" indicating that in 2007, mainly because of
rising food prices,
the number of hungry people in the world increased by 75
million (FAO,
2008a). Although international prices have now declined
somewhat, the
problems of food insecurity and hunger remain and the
challenges they pose
are particularly difficult for the rural poor, who make up
an estimated 75
percent of the world's 963 million hungry people.
ABDC-09 aims to be a stock-taking exercise across the
different food and
agricultural sectors, describing the current status and
analysing previous
successes/failures in order to learn from the past and make
for the future. The ability to look back and learn from the
past is possible
because a large number of biotechnology tools are available
and some of them
have already been used for many years in a wide range of
countries. For example, a survey carried out by FAO nearly
20 years ago on
the use of artificial insemination indicated that over 16
million cattle were
inseminated in developing countries in 1990/1991 (Chupin,
1992). One of the
expected outputs from ABDC-09 is therefore an analysis of
the reasons for the
success and failure of application of different
biotechnologies in developing
countries in the past
As part of the build up to ABDC-09, FAO is preparing a
series of five
technical sector-specific documents, on biotechnology
applications in crops,
forestry, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture and, finally,
food processing
and food safety (FAO, 2009a-e). Each one aims to document
the current status
of application of biotechnologies in developing countries in
its sector;
provide an analysis of the reasons for successes/failures of
application of
biotechnologies in developing countries; present some
relevant case studies;
and make recommendations for the future
To complement these
documents, the FAO Biotechnology Forum is hosting this
cross-sectoral e-mail
conference on "Learning from the past: Successes and
failures with
agricultural biotechnologies in developing countries over
the last 20 years"
to bring together and discuss relevant, often un-documented,
past experiences
of applying biotechnologies in developing countries,
ascertain the success or
failure (partial or full) of these experiences, and
determine and evaluate
the key factors that were responsible for their success or
In this e-mail conference, as well as ABDC-09, the term
biotechnology encompasses a variety of technologies used in
food and
agriculture, for a range of different purposes such as the
improvement of plant varieties and animal populations to
increase their
yields or efficiency; genetic characterization and
conservation of genetic
resources; plant or animal disease diagnosis; vaccine
development; and
improvement of feeds. Some of these technologies may be
applied to all the
food and agricultural sectors, such as the use of molecular
markers or
genetic modification, while others are more sector-specific,
such as tissue
culture (in crops and forest trees), embryo transfer
(livestock) or
sex-reversal (fish). Note, the term agriculture includes the
production of
crops, livestock, fish and forestry products, so the term
biotechnologies' encompasses their use in any of these
This Background Document aims to provide information that
participants will
find useful for the e-mail conference. In Section 2 an
overview is provided
of the different agricultural biotechnologies to be
considered. Section 3
presents some specific guidance about this e-mail
conference. Section 4
provides references of articles mentioned in the document,
abbreviations and
2. Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries
Here we
provide a brief overview of the main kinds of agricultural
biotechnologies that have been used in developing countries
over the past 20
years and that should be covered in the e-mail conference.
They are described
separately, although in practice more than one may be used
together in
certain situations (e.g. in wide crossing programs, see
Section 2.8.3). Note,
new biotechnologies that are still at the research level, be
it in the
laboratory or at the field trial stage, but which have not
yet been applied
(i.e. used for commercial production by farmers) in
developing countries are
not included.
A short description of the different biotechnologies is
provided below,
indicating also what they are used for, the food and
agricultural sectors
involved and giving some examples of their applications in
developing countries. Regarding the examples, their
inclusion in the document
does not imply that these applications have been a partial
or complete
success (or, conversely, that they have been any kind of a
failure). Indeed,
these are the kind of issues to be addressed by participants
during this
e-mail conference. Also, it should be kept in mind that,
although not the
subject of this e-mail conference, the pathway from a
research development in
the laboratory to its eventual application in the field
(e.g. farmers
cultivating a new genetically improved plant variety or
using a new vaccine
against an animal disease) can be long, resource-demanding
and unsuccessful,
so many biotechnologies of seemingly high promise at the
experimental stage
have had limited applications in developing countries so
As many of the biotechnologies described below are related
to molecular
biology and genetic material, some basic terminology is
introduced here.
Living things are made up of cells that are programmed by
genetic material
called DNA. A DNA molecule is made up of a long chain of
bases. Only a small fraction of this DNA sequence typically
makes up genes
i.e. that code for proteins, which are molecules essential
for the
functioning of living cells, made up of chains of amino
acids. The remaining
and major share of the DNA represents non-coding sequences
whose role is not
yet clearly understood. The genetic material is organized
into sets of
chromosomes (e.g. 5 pairs in Arabidopsis thaliana - a model
plant species; 30
pairs in cattle), and the entire set is called the genome.
In a diploid
individual (i.e. where chromosomes are organized in pairs),
there are two
alleles of every gene - one from each parent - transmitted
by gametes
(reproductive cells) that are normally haploid (having just
one of each of
the pairs of chromosomes). A typical genome contains several
thousand genes
e.g. about 30,000 genes in grasses like rice and sorghum
(Paterson et al,
2009). Definitions of technical terms used below can be
found in the FAO
Biotechnology Glossary (
2.1 Molecular markers
Molecular markers are identifiable DNA sequences, found at
specific locations
of the genome, transmitted by standard Mendelian laws of
inheritance from one
generation to the next. They rely on a DNA assay and a range
of different
kinds of molecular marker systems exist, such as restriction
fragment length
polymorphisms (RFLPs), random amplified polymorphic DNAs
(RAPDs), amplified
fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and microsatellites.
The technology has
improved in the past decade and faster, cheaper systems like
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are increasingly being used.
The different
marker systems may vary in aspects such as their technical
requirements, the
amount of time, money and labour needed and the number of
genetic markers
that can be detected throughout the genome.
Molecular markers have been used in laboratories since the
late 1970s and
they are applied across all the food and agricultural
sectors. They are very
versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes. Thus,
they are used in
genetic improvement, through so-called marker-assisted
selection (MAS), where
markers physically located beside (or, even, within) genes
of interest (such
as those affecting yield in maize) are used to select
favourable variants of
the genes (FAO, 2007a). MAS is made possible by the
development of molecular
marker maps, where many markers of known location are
interspersed at
relatively short intervals throughout the genome, and the
subsequent testing
for statistical associations between marker variants and the
traits of
interest. Marker maps are now available for a wide range of
important agricultural species (see e.g. FAO, 2007a for
details). Progress in
the field of genomics (the study of an organism's entire
genome) has also
provided much useful information for MAS, enabling in some
cases markers to
be used that are located within the genes of interest.
Molecular markers are also used to characterize and conserve
resources, where some of the approaches can be applied in
each of the crop,
forestry, livestock and fishery sectors (e.g. estimating the
relationships between populations within a species). Other
uses again are
more sector-specific, such as their utilization to identify
accessions in crop genebanks; monitor effective population
sizes (Ne) in
capture fish populations or carry out biological studies
(e.g. of mating
systems, pollen movement and seed dispersal) in forest tree
(Ruane and Sonnino, 2006a). They are also used in disease
diagnosis, to
characterize and detect pathogens in livestock, crops,
forest trees, fish and
food (see Section 2.4).
Molecular markers have been used in a number of developing
countries. In
livestock, for example, they have been used in four African
countries for
characterization of genetic resources and in eight Asian
countries, where six
used them for genetic distance studies and two for MAS (FAO,
2007b). In Latin
America and the Caribbean, most countries have used
molecular techniques,
primarily for characterization purposes, while their use has
been limited in
the Near and Middle East (FAO, 2007b). In crops, several
examples of new
hybrids and varieties developed through MAS are available,
and in progress,
in different crops, such as pearl millet, rice and maize,
and in several
developing countries like Bangladesh, India and Thailand
(Varshney et al,
2006). Different centres of the Consultative Group on
Agricultural Research (CGIAR) have been working with
partners in developing
countries to accelerate plant breeding practices through
2.2 Genetic modification
A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism in
which one or more
genes (called transgenes) have been introduced into its
genetic material from
another organism. The genes may be from a different kingdom
(e.g. a bacterial
gene introduced into plant genetic material), a different
species within the
same kingdom or even from the same species. For example,
so-called 'Bt crops'
are crops containing genes derived from the soil bacterium
thuriengensis coding for proteins that are toxic to insect
pests that feed on
the crops. The issue of GMOs has been highly controversial
over the past
decade. Many countries have introduced specific frameworks
to regulate their
release and commercialization.
GM crops were first grown commercially in the mid 1990s.
While the majority
continues to be grown in developed countries, an increasing
number of
developing countries are reported to be cultivating them.
Recent estimates
(James, 2008) indicate that 10 developing countries planted
over 50,000
hectares of GM crops in 2008 i.e. Argentina (21.0 million
hectares), Brazil
(15.8), India (7.6), China (3.8), Paraguay (2.7), South
Africa (1.8), Uruguay
(0.7), Bolivia (0.6), Philippines (0.4) and Mexico (0.1).
For comparison, in
1997 the only developing countries reported were Argentina
(1.4 million
hectares), China (1.8) and Mexico (less than 0.1). Almost
all GM crops grown
commercially are genetically modified for one or both of two
main traits:
herbicide tolerance (63% of GM crops planted in 2008) or
insect resistance
(15%), i.e. Bt crops, while 22% have both traits (James,
Commercial release of GM forest trees has been reported in
one country,
China. In 2002, approval was granted for the environmental
release of two
kinds of Bt trees, the European black poplar (Populus nigra)
and the hybrid
white poplar clone GM 741, together representing about 1.4
million plants on
300-500 hectares (FAO, 2004). Regarding GM livestock or
fish, there has been
no commercial release for food and agriculture purposes in
any developing or
developed country.
Although documentation is generally quite poor, use of
genetically modified
micro-organisms (GMMs) in the agro-industry and animal feed
sector is routine
in developed countries and is also a reality in many
developing countries. In
the agro-industry sector, use of enzymes, i.e. proteins that
specific chemical reactions, is important. Many of the
enzymes used in the
food industry are commonly produced using GMMs. For example,
since the early
1990s, preparations containing chymosin (an enzyme used to
curdle milk in the
preliminary steps of cheese manufacture) derived from GM
bacteria have been
available commercially (Ruane and Sonnino, 2006b).
Similarly, many colours,
vitamins and essential amino acids used in the food industry
are also from
In animal nutrition, feed additives such as amino acids and
enzymes are
widely used in developing countries. The greatest use is in
pig and poultry
production where, over the last decade, intensification has
further accelerating the demand for feed additives. For
example, most
grain-based livestock feeds are deficient in essential amino
acids such as
lysine, methionine and tryptophan and for high producing
monogastric animals
(pigs and poultry) these amino acids are added to diets to
productivity. The amino acids in feed, L-lysine,
DL-methionine, L-threonine
and L-tryptophan, constitute over half of the total amino
acid market. In
India alone, the amino acid market amounts to about 5
million US dollars. The
essential amino acids are produced in some cases by GM
strains of Escherichia
coli (FAO, 2009c).
In the dairy industry, recombinant bovine somatotropin
(rBST), a protein
hormone from an Escherichia coli K-12 bacterium containing
the cow
somatotropin gene, has been used to increase milk production
in a number of
developing countries. Chauvet and Ochoa (1996) report that
rBST was first
used in Mexico in 1990 and has been sold in a number of
other developing
countries, including Brazil, Malaysia, South Africa and
2.3 Chromosome number manipulation
As mentioned earlier, genetic material is organized into
sets of chromosomes
and each plant and animal species has a characteristic
number of chromosomes.
Manipulation of whole sets of chromosomes is possible and is
used for a range
of different purposes in agriculture. For example, fish and
shellfish have
been extensively studied for manipulation of their
chromosomes during early
stages of development. Using relatively simple techniques
such as cold and
hot shocks it is possible to induce triploidy (i.e. with
three sets of
chromosomes), leading to the production of nearly completely
populations. Sterility may be desirable in conservation
programs, where it
can prevent introgression of escaped individuals from
commercial stocks into
natural populations. It may also be of interest in
commercial fish
operations, e.g. when developing hybrid stocks or to prevent
the side effects
of sexual maturation on carcass quality (FAO, 2009d). As in
fish, induction
of sterility in crops may be desirable in certain breeding
programmes, e.g.
to produce seedless fruits, and one of the most rapid and
approaches is to create polyploids (i.e. with more than 2
complete sets of
chromosomes), especially triploids. Triploid varieties have
been produced in
numerous fruit crops including most of the citrus fruits,
acacias and the
kiwifruit (FAO, 2009a).
Another example of chromosomal number modification in fish
is the production
of haploid individuals after eggs are fertilized by sperm
which do not
contribute genetic material (a process called gynogenesis)
or when normal
sperm fertilize eggs whose DNA has been deactivated (a
process called
androgenesis). In both cases the haploid chromosomes can
then be duplicated
using shocks. The importance of gynogenesis/androgenesis is
that it is
possible to develop inbred individuals, which may be useful
in fish breeding
experiments aimed at producing clonal lines for detecting
genomic regions
affecting quantitative traits (FAO, 2009d).
In crops, chromosome doubling is one of the most important
technologies for
the creation of fertile inter-specific hybrids
(wide-crosses). Wide crossing
involves hybridizing a crop variety with a distantly related
plant from
outside its normal sexually compatible gene pool. Its usual
purpose is to
obtain a plant that is virtually identical to the original
crop, except for a
few genes contributed by the distant relative. The technique
has enabled
breeders to access genetic variation beyond the normal
reproductive barriers
of their crops (FAO, 2009a). For example, the New Rice for
Africa (NERICA)
hybrids are derived from crossing two species of cultivated
rice, the African
rice and the Asian rice, combining the high yields from the
Asian rice with
the ability of the African rice to thrive in harsh
Wide-hybrid plants are often sterile so their seed cannot be
propagated, due
to differences between the sets of chromosomes inherited
from genetically
divergent parental species that prevent stable chromosome
pairing during
meiosis. However, if chromosome number is artificially
doubled, the hybrid
may be able to produce functional pollen and eggs and be
fertile. Colchicine
has been used for chromosome doubling in plants since the
1940s and has been
applied to more than 50 plant species, including most
important annual crops.
More recently, several additional chromosome doubling
agents, all of which
act as inhibitors of mitotic cell division, have been used
in plant breeding
programmes. To date, with the help of chromosome doubling
hundreds of new varieties have been produced worldwide (FAO,
In crops and forest trees, chromosome doubling has also been
used, as for
fish, to generate 'doubled haploids'. The haploid plants can
be produced
using anther culture which involves the in vitro culture of
immature anthers
(i.e. the pollen-producing organs of the plant). As the
pollen grains are
haploid, the resulting pollen-derived plants are also
haploid (Sonnino et al,
2009). Doubled haploid plants were first produced in the
1960s using
colchicine and today, thermal shock or mannitol incubation
can be used. They
may also be produced from ovule culture. Breeders value
doubled haploid
plants because they are 100% homozygous so any recessive
genes are readily
apparent. The time required after a conventional
hybridization to select pure
lines carrying the required recombination of characters is
thus drastically
reduced. Since the 1970s, doubled haploid methods have been
used to create
new varieties of barley, wheat, rice, melon, pepper,
tobacco, and several
Brassicas. In the developing world, a major centre of such
breeding work is
China, where numerous haploid crops have been released and
many more are
being developed. By 2003, China was cultivating over 2
million hectares of
doubled haploid varieties, the most important of which are
rice, wheat,
tobacco and peppers (FAO, 2009a).
2.4 Biotechnology-based diagnostics
Applications of biotechnology for diagnostic purposes are
important in crops,
forest trees, livestock and fish as well as for food safety
purposes. Two
main kinds of methods are used, those based on the
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and those based on the
polymerase chain reaction
ELISA systems are antibody-based techniques for the
determination of the
presence and quantity of specific molecules in a mixed
sample. They are used
in a range of formats, both for the detection of pathogens
and for detection
of antibodies produced by the host as a response to the
pathogens, and a
range of commercial kits are available, e.g. to detect fish
and shrimp
pathogens (Adams and Thompson, 2008). Some of the
ELISA-based methods use
monoclonal antibodies, produced by a cell line that is both
immortal and able
to produce highly specific antibodies, or polyclonal
antibodies, produced by
many cell lines. In livestock, ELISAs form the large
majority of prescribed
tests for the OIE notifiable animal diseases, and many
diagnostic kits are
available in developing countries (FAO, 2009c).
The PCR-based methods rely on the fact that each species of
pathogen carries
a unique DNA or RNA sequence that can be used to identify
it. PCR allows
production of a large quantity of a desired DNA from a
complex mixture of
heterogeneous sequences. It can amplify a selected region of
50 to several
thousand DNA base pairs into billions of copies. After
amplification, the
target DNA can be identified using techniques such as gel
electrophoresis or
hybridization with a labeled nucleic acid (a probe). Real
time PCR (or
quantitative PCR) enables quantification of DNA or RNA
present in a sample.
The genomes of some viruses, such as the influenza A virus,
are made of RNA
instead of DNA, and to identify RNA from these viruses a
complementary DNA
(cDNA) copy of the RNA is first synthesized using an enzyme
called reverse
transcriptase. The cDNA then acts as the template to be
amplified by PCR
(FAO, 2009c). This method is called reverse transcriptase
PCR-based techniques offer high sensitivity and specificity
and diagnostic
kits allow the rapid screening of the virus or bacteria and
have a direct use
in situations where individuals show no antibody response
after infection.
For example, molluscs do not produce antibodies, and
therefore antibody-based
diagnostic tests are limited in their application to
pathogen detection in
these species. In fisheries, PCR-related tools are
increasingly being used in
developing countries, although they require detailed
knowledge of the
genomics of the pathogen itself and extensive validation in
practice (FAO,
In livestock, public sector production of diagnostic kits
for animal diseases
in Asia and Latin America can be found in Brazil, Chile,
China, India, Mexico
and Thailand. Research capabilities for development,
standardization and
validation of diagnostic methods are also well advanced in
these countries.
PCR-based diagnostics are increasingly being employed in
developing countries
to back up findings from serological analyses. However,
their use is largely
restricted to laboratories of research institutions and
universities and to
the central and regional diagnostic laboratories run by
governments (FAO,
2009c). In aquaculture, there are some highly integrated
companies operating
in developing countries (e.g. in shrimp production) and
these companies
commonly use PCR-based diagnostic systems, where the
analyses are either
carried out by laboratories of the companies themselves or
are outsourced to
specialized private laboratories.
Biotechnology-based diagnostics are also important in food
analysis. Many of
the classical food microbiological methods used in the past
culture-based, with micro-organisms grown on agar plates and
detected through
biochemical identification. These methods are often tedious,
and slow. Genetic based diagnostic and identification
systems can greatly
enhance the specificity, sensitivity and speed of microbial
Molecular typing methodologies, commonly involving PCR,
ribotyping (a method
to determine homologies and differences between bacteria at
species or subspecies/strain level, using RFLP analysis of
ribosomal RNA
genes) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (a method of
separating large DNA
molecules on agarose gels), can be used to characterize and
monitor the
presence of spoilage flora (microbes causing food to become
unfit for
eating), normal flora and microflora in foods (Ruane and
Sonnino, 2006b,
chap. 6.1). RAPD or AFLP molecular marker systems can also
be used for the
comparison of genetic differences among species, subspecies
and strains,
depending on the reaction conditions used. The use of
combinations of these
technologies and other genetic tests allows the
characterization and
identification of organisms at the genus, species,
subspecies and even strain
levels, thereby making it possible to pinpoint sources of
food contamination,
to trace micro-organisms throughout the food chain or to
identify the causal
agents of food-borne illnesses (Ruane and Sonnino, 2006b).
2.5 Development of vaccines using biotechnologies
Immunization can be one of the most effective means of
preventing and hence
managing animal diseases. In general, vaccines offer
considerable benefits
for comparative low cost, a primary consideration for
developing countries.
In addition, development of good vaccines for important
infectious diseases
can lead to reduced use of antibiotics, which is an
important issue in
developing countries (FAO, 2009d).
As described by Kurath (2008), biotechnology has been used
extensively in the
development of vaccines for aquaculture, and is applied at
each of the three
main stages of vaccine development i.e.
a) identification of potential antigen candidates that might
be effective in
vaccines (where an antigen is a molecule, usually a protein
foreign to the
fish, which elicits an immune response on first exposure to
the immune system
by stimulating the production of antibodies specific to its
various antigenic
determinants. During subsequent exposures, the antigen is
bound and
inactivated by these antibodies)
b) construction of a new candidate vaccine (where
biotechnology tools can be
used to produce different kinds of vaccines such as DNA
vaccines, recombinant
vaccines or modified live recombinant viruses. For example,
a DNA vaccine is
a circular DNA plasmid containing a gene for a protective
antigenic protein
from a pathogen of interest [see Kurath, 2008 for more
details]), and
c) assessment of candidate vaccine efficacy, its mode of
action and the host
response (where e.g. quantitative RT-PCR [see Section 2.4]
can be used to
examine the expression of fish genes related to immune
Of the countries that responded to a recent OIE survey, 4
out of 23 and 7 out
of 14 African and Asian countries respectively indicated
that they produce or
use animal vaccines derived from biotechnology, including
experimental use as
well as commercial release (MacKenzie, 2005).
2.6 Reproductive biotechnologies
A number of reproductive biotechnologies have been applied
in developing
countries to influence the number (and sex) of offspring
from given
individuals in fish and livestock populations.
2.6.1 Artificial insemination
In artificial insemination (AI), semen is collected from
donor male animals,
diluted in suitable diluents and manually inseminated into
the female
reproductive tract during oestrus (heat), to achieve
pregnancy. The semen can
be fresh or preserved in liquid nitrogen and then thawed.
Efficiency of AI
can be increased by monitoring progesterone levels, e.g.
using ELISA, to
identify non-pregnant females, and/or by oestrus
synchronization, where
females are treated with hormones to being them into oestrus
at a desired
AI is widely used in developing countries (Chupin, 1992;
FAO, 2007b). For
example, in India 34 million inseminations were carried out
in 2007 while
about 8 million were carried out in Brazil (FAO, 2009c). For
Africa, Asia and
Latin America and the Caribbean regions, AI is mostly used
for cattle
production (dairy). Other species for which AI is used in
all three
continents are sheep, goats, horses and pigs. In addition,
in Asia, AI is
used for chickens, camels, buffaloes and ducks, and in Latin
America and
Caribbean regions for rabbits, buffaloes, donkeys, alpacas
and turkeys. For
the most part, semen from exotic breeds is used in local
populations. To a lesser extent, semen from local breeds is
also used for
this purpose. Most of the AI services are provided by the
public sector but
the contribution of the private sector, breeding
organizations and NGOs is
also substantial. In Africa and Asia, AI use is concentrated
in peri-urban
areas (FAO, 2007b; FAO, 2009c). Progesterone monitoring and
synchronization have been applied in a number of developing
Applications of oestrous synchronization have been limited
to some
intensively managed farms where AI is routinely used (FAO,
2.6.2 Embryo transfer
Embryo transfer (ET) involves the transfer of an embryo from
a superior donor
female to a less valuable female animal. A donor is induced
to superovulate
(produce several ova) through hormonal treatment. The ova
obtained are then
fertilized within the donor, the embryos develop and are
then removed and
implanted in recipient females for the remainder of the
gestation period.
Alternatively, the embryos can be frozen for later use.
FAO (2007b) reports that 5, 8 and 12 countries use ET in
Africa, Asia and the
Latin America and the Caribbean region respectively. In the
latter, ET is
increasingly used by commercial livestock producers and the
species involved
are cattle (in all 12 countries) and alpacas, donkeys,
goats, horses, llamas
and sheep (in 1 to 3 of these 12 countries). In Brazil and
Chile, private
sector organizations are involved in providing the
2.6.3 Hormonal treatment in aquaculture
In the same way as female reproduction in livestock can be
controlled by
hormonal treatment, it is also an important tool in
aquaculture where it is
applied for 2 main purposes.
The first is to control reproduction of fish and shellfish,
primarily to
induce the final phase of ova production in order to
synchronize ovulation
and to enable broodstock to produce fish early in the season
or when
environmental conditions suppress the spawning timing of
females. Implants or
injection of the hormonal compound are used extensively in
salmon farming
(FAO, 2009d).
The second purpose is to develop monosex (single sex)
populations, which can
be desirable in many situations. This can be, inter alia,
because one sex is
superior in growth or has more desirable meat quality or to
sexual/territorial behaviour. For example, female sturgeon
are more valuable
than males because they produce caviar. Female salmon are
the more valuable
sex, because sexually precocious males die before they can
be harvested and
salmon roe has an economic value. Male tilapia are more
desirable than
females because they grow twice as fast. In many fish and
shellfish species,
sex is not permanently defined genetically and thus it can
be altered in a
number of ways, including treatment with sexual hormones
such as testosterone
or estrogen derivatives in early stages of development. To
develop all-male
tilapia populations, methyltestosterone can be used while
monosex trout can
be produced using androgens (FAO, 2009d).
2.6.4 Sperm/embryo sexing
In livestock, to get offspring of a desired sex (e.g.
females are preferred
for dairy animals, males for beef animals), separation of X
and Y sperm (e.g.
based on staining DNA with a fluorescent dye) for AI and
sexing of embryos
(e.g. using specific DNA probes) can be used. Although these
technologies are
being developed and refined in a number of research
institutions, they are
not used at the field level in any of the developing
countries, except China
(FAO, 2009c).
2.7 Cryopreservation
Cryopreservation, referring to the preservation of germplasm
in a dormant
state by storage at ultra-low temperatures, usually in
liquid nitrogen (-196
°C), can be used to preserve biological material (e.g.
seeds, sperm, embryos)
of crop, livestock, forest or fish populations for potential
use in the
future (Ruane and Sonnino, 2006a). The technology can be
used for genetic
improvement purposes and for management of genetic
resources. In livestock,
cryopreservation has been used in a number of developing
countries for ex
situ conservation of animal genetic resources, including
Benin, Brazil,
China, India and Kenya (FAO, 2009c). In fish,
cryopreservation of embryos is
not possible but sperm cryopreservation works for many
species (Hiemstra et
al, 2006) and has been used in carp, salmon and trout
breeding, especially
when the aim is to "refresh" populations that have gone
through a bottleneck.
Considering crops and forest trees, about 90% of the 6
million plant
accessions in genebanks, mainly crops, are stored in seed
genebanks. However,
storage of seeds is not an option for crops or trees that do
not produce
seed, such as banana, or that produce recalcitrant or
non-orthodox seed (i.e.
seed that does not survive under cold storage and/or the
drying conditions
used in conventional ex situ conservation), such as mango,
coffee, oak and
several tropical forest tree species. In these situations,
as well as for
long-term storage of seeds from orthodox species,
cryopreservation offers an
alternative strategy for ex situ conservation, although its
routine use is
still limited. Following plant cell, tissue or organ storage
at low
temperatures, plants can be regenerated. For various
herbaceous (i.e.
non-woody plants), hardwood (i.e. broadleaf, deciduous
trees) and softwood
species (i.e. coniferous trees), cryopreservation of a wide
range of tissues
and organs has been achieved. There is large scale
application of shoot tip
cryopreservation in fruit crop germplasm collections, such
as in plum and
apple. Seeds of most common agricultural and horticultural
species can be
cryopreserved (Panis and Lambardi, 2006; Ruane and Sonnino,
2.8 Tissue culture-based techniques
Tissue culture refers to the in vitro culture of plant
cells, tissues or
organs in a nutrient medium under sterile conditions. It has
been widely used
for over 50 years and is now employed to improve many of the
most important
developing country crops (FAO, 2009a). There are a number of
culture-based technologies and they can be employed for a
range of different
purposes. Some of them, used with chromosome number
manipulation, have
already been described in Section 2.3. Others include:
2.8.1 Micropropagation
Micropropagation is the laboratory practice of rapidly
multiplying stock
plant material to produce a large number of progeny plants,
using plant
tissue culture methods. For instance, shoot tips of banana
or potato are
excised from healthy plants and cultivated on gelatinized
nutrient media in
sterile conditions (in test tubes, plastic flasks, or baby
food jars), so
that contamination with pests and pathogens is avoided. The
plantlets can be multiplied an unlimited number of times, by
cutting them in
single-node pieces and cultivating the cuttings in similar
conditions. Millions of plantlets can be produced this way
in a very short
time. The plantlets are then transplanted in the field or
nurseries, where
they grow and yield low-cost, disease-free propagation
materials, ready to be
distributed to farmers (Sonnino et al, 2009). Even if
healthy plants are not
available initially, specific in vitro techniques can also
be applied to
produce disease-free propagation material.
Today, micropropagation is widely used in a range of
developing country
subsistence crops including banana, cassava, potato and
commercial plantation crops, such as oil palm, coffee,
cocoa, sugarcane and
tea; niche crops such as cardamom and vanilla; and fruit
trees such as
almond, citrus, coconut, mango and pineapple. Some of the
many countries with
significant crop micropropagation programs include
Argentina, Cuba, Gabon,
India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Philippines, South Africa,
Uganda and
Vietnam (FAO, 2009a).
2.8.2 In vitro slow growth storage
Micropropagation procedures have been developed for over
1,000 plant species,
many of which are today micropropagated commercially. The
procedures include
rapid multiplication, involving rapid growth and frequent
(regeneration) which is generally the objective of
micropropagation. Instead, the basis of successful in vitro
storage of stock
cultures is to increase the interval between subcultures by
retarding the
growth without any deleterious effects on the plants in
culture. The strategy
is used to conserve plant genetic resources and in vitro
slow growth
procedures can be used so that plant material can be held
1-15 years under
tissue culture conditions with periodic subculturing,
depending on the
species. Normally, growth is limited using low temperatures
often in
combination with low light intensity or even darkness.
Temperatures in the
range of 0-5 °C are employed for cold-tolerant species and
15-20 °C for
tropical species. Growth can also be limited by modifying
the culture medium
and reducing oxygen levels available to the cultures (Ruane
and Sonnino,
2006a; Rao, 2004).
2.8.3 In vitro embryo rescue
Wide crossing (see Section 2.3) has only become possible by
advances in plant
tissue culture. A particular challenge was to overcome the
mechanisms that normally prevent inter-specific and
inter-genus crosses, as a
high proportion of wide-hybrid seeds either do not develop
to maturity or do
not contain a viable embryo. To avoid spontaneous abortion,
embryos are
removed from the ovule at the earliest possible stage and
placed into culture
in vitro. Mortality rates can be high, but enough embryos
normally survive
the rigors of removal, transfer, tissue culture, and
regeneration to produce
adult hybrid plants for testing and further crossing (FAO,
First-generation, wide-hybrid plants are rarely suitable for
because they have only received half of their genes from the
crop parent.
From the other (non-crop) parent they have received, not
only the small
number of desirable genes, but also thousands of undesirable
genes that must
be removed by further manipulation. This is achieved by
crossing the hybrid
with the original crop plant, plus another round of embryo
rescue, to grow up
the new hybrids. This 'backcrossing' process is repeated for
about six
generations (sometimes more), until a plant is obtained that
is almost
identical to the original crop parent, except that it now
contains a small
number of desirable genes from the non-crop parent plant.
programs can take more than a decade to complete, although
MAS and anther
culture can be used to speed up the process (FAO, 2009a).
Embryo rescue has been used occasionally in forest tree
species, but its
application is likely to be limited to a small number of
hybrids of interest,
which are sufficiently close to produce a normal embryo but
where embryo
development in vivo is a limiting factor (FAO, 2009b).
2.9 Mutagenesis
This involves the use of mutagenic agents, such as chemicals
or radiation, to
modify DNA and hence create novel phenotypes. Induced
mutagenesis has been
used in crop breeding programs in developing countries since
the 1930s. It
also includes somaclonal mutagenesis, involving changes in
DNA induced during
in vitro culture. Somaclonal variation is normally regarded
as an undesirable
by-product of the stresses imposed on a plant by subjecting
it to tissue
culture. However, provided they are carefully controlled,
somaclonal changes
in cultured plant cells can generate variation useful to
crop breeders (FAO,
2009a). In forestry, use of somaclonal variation has been a
popular subject
for research, particularly during the 1980s, but the
technology is generally
seen to offer little for the genetic improvement of most
major industrial
forest tree species (FAO, 2009b).
Almost 3,000 new crop varieties have been developed and
released by countries
using mutation-assisted plant breeding strategies and an
estimated 100
countries currently use induced mutation technology
(FAO/IAEA, 2008; IAEA,
2008). Case studies from Kenya (wheat), Peru (barley),
sub-Saharan Africa
(cassava) and Vietnam (rice) are described in IAEA (2008).
In the livestock sector, mutagenesis has also been used in
countries. The sterile insect technique (SIT) for control of
insects (e.g.
screwworm and tsetse flies) relies on the introduction of
sterility in the
females of the wild population. The sterility is produced
following the
mating of females with released males carrying, in their
sperm, dominant
lethal mutations that have been induced by ionizing
radiation. This method is
usually applied as part of an area-wide integrated pest
management approach
and has been applied in developing countries in the
livestock sector as well
as for the control of crop pests (FAO, 2009c). An estimated
30 countries use
SIT against insect pests, including Chile and Peru
(FAO/IAEA, 2008).
Mutagenesis is also extensively used to improve the quality
micro-organisms and their enzymes or metabolites used in
food processing. The
process involves the production of mutants through the
exposure of microbial
strains to mutagenic chemicals or ultraviolet rays. Improved
strains thus
produced are selected on the basis of specific properties
such as improved
flavour-producing ability or resistance to bacterial viruses
(FAO, 2009e).
2.10 Fermentation
Fermentation is the process of bioconversion of organic
substances by
micro-organisms and/or enzymes of microbial, plant or animal
origin. During
fermentation, various biochemical activities take place
leading to the break
down of complex substances into simple substances and
resulting in the
production of a diversity of metabolites including simpler
forms of proteins,
carbohydrates, fats, such as sugars, amino acids, lipids, as
well as new
compounds such as antimicrobial compounds (e.g. lysozyme,
organic acids (e.g. lactic acid, acetic acid, citric acid);
agents (e.g. xanthan gum); and flavours (esters and
aldehydes). Apart from
the various new products that are yielded during
fermentation, the process is
widely known for its preservative benefits (Ruane and
Sonnino, 2006b, chapter
The new products that emerge following fermentation have
been found to have
potential for longer shelf lives, and they have
characteristics quite
different from the original substrates from which they are
Fermentation is globally applied to preserve a wide range of
raw agricultural
materials (cereals, roots, tubers, fruit and vegetables,
milk, meat and fish,
etc.). Commercially produced fermented foods which are
marketed globally
include dairy products (cheese, yogurt, fermented milks),
sausages and soy
sauce (Ruane and Sonnino, 2006b). Fermentation of sugars is
also central to
production of bioethanol from agricultural feedstocks (FAO,
Certain micro-organisms associated with fermented foods, in
strains of the Lactobacillus species, are probiotic i.e.
used as live
microbial dietary supplements or food ingredients that have
a beneficial
effect on the host by influencing the composition and/or
metabolic activity
of the flora of the gastrointestinal tract (Ruane and
Sonnino, 2006b). They
can also be used as feed additives for monogastric and
ruminant animals, and
have been applied for this purpose in China, India and
Indonesia (FAO,
In developing countries, fermented foods are produced
generally at the
household and village level, using traditional processes
that are
uncontrolled and dependent on spontaneous 'chance'
micro-organisms from the
environment. Modern fermentation processes employ the use of
well constructed
vessels (fermenters/bioreactors), with appropriate
controlled mechanisms for
temperatures, pH, nutrients levels, oxygen tensions among
others and also use
selected micro-organisms and/or enzymes for their operations
(FAO, 2009e;
Ruane and Sonnino, 2006b).
2.11 Biofertilisers
Soils are dynamic living systems that contain a variety of
such as bacteria, fungi and algae. Maintaining a favourable
population of
useful microflora is important from a fertility standpoint.
The most commonly
exploited micro-organisms are those that help in fixing
atmospheric nitrogen
for plant uptake or in solubilizing/mobilizing soil
nutrients such as
unavailable phosphorus into plant-available forms, in
addition to secreting
growth-promoting substances for enhancing crop yield. As a
group, such
microbes are called biofertilisers or microbial inoculants.
They can be
generally defined as preparations containing live or latent
cells of
efficient strains of nitrogen-fixing, phosphate-solubilizing
or cellulolytic
micro-organisms used for application to seed or soil with
the objective of
increasing the numbers of such micro-organisms and
accelerating certain
microbial processes to augment the availability of nutrients
in a form that
plants can assimilate readily (Motsara and Roy, 2008).
Biofertilisers have
been used in a number of developing countries, such as Kenya
and Thailand,
often involving nitrogen-fixing Rhizobia bacteria (Sonnino
et al, 2009).
2.12 Biopesticides
Living organisms that are harmful to plants and cause biotic
stresses are
collectively called pests, and they cause tremendous
economic damage to plant
production worldwide. Biopesticides are mass-produced,
biologically based
agents used for the control of plant pests. They can be
living organisms,
such as micro-organisms, or naturally occurring substances,
such as plant
extracts or insect pheromones. Micro-organisms used as
biopesticides include
bacteria, protozoa, fungi and viruses and they are used in a
range of
different crops (Chandler et al, 2008).
For example, different biopesticides are available for
controlling locusts.
As an illustration, a biopesticide containing spores of the
Metarhizium anisopliae, was used to control a migratory
locust infestation in
an FAO project in 2007 in Timor-Leste. Surveys revealed that
an area of about
20,000 hectares was infested with gregarious nymphs and that
there was a
serious threat to the rice crop. The target area was
considered unsuitable
for chemical spraying because of high density human
settlement and many water
courses, so the infestation was treated with the
biopesticide, targeting
flying swarms using a helicopter, spraying in a time period
of over one month
(FAO, 2009f). Note, biopesticides generally have a slow
action compared to
conventional chemicals and, for that reason, the latter are
preferred if
crops are under immediate threat.
3. Specific Points About This E-mail Conference
The general
aim of the e-mail conference is to bring together and
relevant, often previously un-documented, past experiences
of applying
biotechnologies at the field level (i.e. used by farmers for
production) in developing countries, ascertain the success
or failure (be it
partial or total) of their application, and determine and
evaluate the key
factors that were responsible for their success or failure.
The conference
does not cover experiences in developed countries.
3.1 Issues to be addressed in the e-mail conference
For any one (or combination) of the biotechnologies
described in Section 2,
considering its application at the field level in one of the
different food
and agricultural sectors (crops, livestock, forestry,
fishery or
agro-industry), in any particular developing country or
region, and in any
specific time period over the past 20 years:
- provide an overall assessment of the experience of
applying the
biotechnology i.e. was it a success or failure, partial or
full (and provide
a justification for this assessment)
- based on this, describe some of the key features that
determined its
partial or complete success (or failure)
- if possible, indicate how transferable these results might
be to other a)
developing countries/regions b) biotechnologies and c) food
and agricultural
- indicate any lessons that can be drawn from this
experience that may be
important for applications of agricultural biotechnology in
countries in the future
3.2 Defining success and failure
When considering a certain situation where a biotechnology
was implemented in
a specific developing country, sector and time period, and
attempting to
assess it as a full or partial success (or failure), a
number of different
aspects can be taken into consideration, such as any
potential impacts its
application had of a socio-economic, cultural, regulatory,
agro-ecological, nutritional, health and hygiene, consumer
interest and
perceptions, sustainable livelihoods, equity, technology
transfer or food
security nature. For example, if we consider the use of a
technology such as artificial insemination in a certain
livestock species
(e.g. dairy cattle) in a given developing country, some of
the factors which
might influence whether we would consider it to be a success
or failure could
include the impact that applying the biotechnology had on:
- milk production (the trait of main interest)
- other traits, such as cow fertility and health, that can
be indirectly
affected (often negatively) by improvements in milk
- trade (e.g. did use of the biotechnology result in
surpluses that led to
creation of new trade opportunities? Alternatively, did its
use result in
closure of some existing markets, e.g. due to regulatory
- economic returns to the farmer, considering the increased
financial returns
from increased milk yields as well as any additional costs
from using the
biotechnology, such as the cost of inseminating the cow, any
additional feed
or veterinary bills, etc.
- food security (e.g. was more milk produced, leading to
greater food
- equity (e.g. was use of the biotechnology restricted to
farmers or did its use also extend to the more food-insecure
also who gained from sale of the biotechnology itself ?
[e.g. were the AI
services provided by a foreign multinational company or by a
local farmers
- consumer interests (did use of the biotechnology produce a
consumer reaction, resulting in reduced milk consumption?)
- genetic resources (e.g. if AI was used to cross local
females with semen
from bulls of developed countries, did it result in erosion
of valuable
genetic resources in developing countries)
- technical aspects related to applying the biotechnology
(e.g. did it work
properly, was much training/equipment needed for people to
use it?)
- any unexpected impacts of using the biotechnology.
The number of potential factors that could influence the
overall assessment
of the biotechnology as a success or failure (partial or
complete) is
therefore quite large and, for a given case, some of the
factors might be
negative and others positive. Thus, the fact that a certain
biotechnology has
been used (and maybe continues to be used) does not mean per
se that it has
been a success, although in certain cases, it may be
considered as an
indicator of success.
A major hurdle to determining fully whether specific
applications of
biotechnology have been a success or failure is that there
is normally a lack
of solid, scientifically sound data and documentation about
the impacts of
their application on people's livelihoods and their
socio-economic conditions
etc. (Sonnino et al, 2009). Indeed, one of the aims of this
e-mail conference
is to try and get a better insight and more information on
such areas.
3.3 Covering GM versus non-GM biotechnologies
The conference will be moderated and one of the Moderator's
main tasks is to
ensure that all of the biotechnologies as well as all of the
food and
agricultural sectors are adequately covered in the
conference. As anyone
following this area knows, the topic of genetic
modification, and GMOs, is
one of major interest and has been the object of a highly
polarized debate,
particularly concerning GM crops. One of the consequences of
this is that the
actual impacts and the potential benefits of the many non-GM
have tended to be neglected. However, to learn from the past
applications of agricultural biotechnologies in developing
countries, the
entire range of biotechnologies should be considered as
there may be many
specificities related to any particular biotechnology tool,
regarding aspects
such as its financial, technical and human capacity
requirements, its purpose
(e.g. genetic improvement, genetic resources management or
diagnosis), its potential impacts etc. For this reason, we
ask participants
to ensure that all the biotechnologies and all the food and
sectors are covered adequately. In addition, regarding GMOs,
discussion in
the conference should not consider the issues of whether
GMOs should or
should not be used per se or the attributes, positive or
negative, of GMOs
themselves. Instead, the goal is to bring together and
discuss specific
experiences of applying biotechnologies (including genetic
modification) in
the past in developing countries.
3.4 Submitting a message
Before submitting a message, participants are requested to:
a) ensure that it considers the issues mentioned above in
Section 3 and the
biotechnologies mentioned in Section 2
b) limit its length to 600 words
c) read the Rules of the Forum and the Guidelines for
Participation in the
E-mail Conferences. These were provided by e-mail when
joining the Forum, and
they can also be found at One important
rule is that participants are assumed to be speaking in
their personal
capacity, unless they explicitly state that their
contribution represents the
views of their organization.
When submitting their first message, participants should
introduce themselves
briefly, providing also their full address at the end of the
4. References, Abbreviations and Acknowledgements
Adams, A.
and K.D. Thompson. 2008. Recent applications of
biotechnology to
novel diagnostics for aquatic animals. OIE Scientific and
Technical Review
27: 197-209.
Chandler, D., Davidson, G., Grant, W.P., Greaves, J. and
G.M. Satchel. 2008.
Microbial biopesticides for integrated crop management: an
assessment of
environmental and regulatory sustainability. Trends in Food
Science and
Technology 19: 275-283.
Chauvet, M. and M.R. Ochoa. 1996. An appraisal of the use of
rBST in Mexico.
Biotechnology and Development Monitor 27: 6-7.
Chupin, D. 1992. Résultats d'une enquête sur l'état de
artificielle dans les pays en développement. Elevage et
Insémination, 252:
FAO, 2004. Preliminary review of biotechnology in forestry,
including genetic
modification. Forest Genetic Resources Working Paper
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ABBREVIATIONS: AFLP = Amplified fragment length
polymorphism; AI = Artificial insemination; Bt = Bacillus
thuringiensis; ELISA = Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ET =
Embryo transfer; FAO = Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations; GMM = Genetically modified
micro-organism; GMO = Genetically modified organism; IAEA =
International Atomic Energy Agency; MAS = Marker-assisted
selection; OIE = World Organisation for Animal Health; PCR =
Polymerase chain reaction; RAPD = Random amplified polymorphic
DNA; rBST = recombinant bovine somatotropin; RFLP = Restriction
fragment length polymorphism; RT-PCR = reverse
transcriptase PCR; SIT = Sterile insect technique.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This document was prepared by John
Ruane and Andrea Sonnino, from the FAO Working Group on
Biotechnology. Grateful appreciation is expressed to the
following people for their comments on the document: To the
external referees: Harinder P.S. Makkar (University of
Hohenheim, Germany,;
Victor Martinez (Universidad de Chile, Chile,, Denis J. Murphy
(University of Glamorgan, United Kingdom, and Rajeev Varshney
(International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
Tropics, India,, and Generation
Challenge Programme, Mexico, as well as to
FAO colleagues: Nuria Alba, Zohra Bennadji and Preetmoninder
FAO, 4 June 2009.
Recommended reference for this publication:
FAO, 2009
Learning from the past: Successes and failures with agricultural
biotechnologies in developing countries over the last 20 years.
Background Document to Conference 16 of the FAO Biotechnology
Forum (8 June to 5 July 2009):
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