Ames, Iowa
June 1, 2009
Crop Management Weekly Update, Iowa State University
By Greg Tylka,
Department of Plant Pathology
SCN Workshop
The soybean cyst nematode
(SCN) is widely considered the most damaging soybean pest in
the Midwest. Effective long-term management of SCN requires
thorough knowledge of SCN biology and use of field scouting,
resistant soybean varieties, and nonhost crops in an
integrated management approach. An all-day workshop focused
on SCN will be held on Wednesday, July 29, 2009, in
Ames. Topics of discussion at the workshop will include:
- basic biology of SCN
- how the nematode
modifies living soybean cells to support itself
- proper techniques for
in-season scouting and soil sampling for SCN
- integrated management
of SCN to maintain profitable soybean production
- how performance of
SCN-resistant soybean varieties varies among
SCN-infested fields
There will be
opportunities for participants to observe SCN-infected
plants and various SCN life stages under microscopes.
Also, there will be hands-on demonstrations of the
procedures used to extract SCN cysts from soil and to
extract SCN eggs from cysts. Workshop instructors will
be Palle Pedersen, ISU extension soybean agronomist, and
ISU nematologists Thomas Baum and Greg Tylka.
Participants can earn 7.0 Certified Crop Adviser pest
management CEUs.
cyst nematode (SCN) females on roots. |
Corn Nematode Workshop
There is increased
interest in plant-parasitic nematodes as pests of
corn. On Thursday, July 30, 2009, there will
be an all-day workshop in Ames focused on the basics
of the biology and management of corn nematodes.
Specific topics of discussion in the workshop will
- review of the
nematode species that can damage corn
- corn nematode
life cycles and feeding habits
- symptoms of
nematode damage on corn
- how to sample
to determine if nematodes are damaging corn
- current and
future management options for nematodes on corn
The workshop
also will include demonstrations of procedures
used to extract plant-parasitic nematodes from
soil and corn root tissue. The workshop will be
taught by ISU nematologist Greg Tylka and
participants can earn 7.0 Certified Crop Adviser
pest management CEUs.
Participants in both workshops will receive
printed course notes, other print publications,
and computer training modules on CDs. The
registration fee for each workshop is $150, and
there is a 10 percent discount for individuals
registering for both workshops.
The nematode workshop flyers contain more
information and registration form.
Stunt nematode feeding on corn root. |
Greg Tylka is a professor of plant pathology with extension
and research responsibilities in management of plant-parasitic
This article was published
originally on 5/26/2009 The information contained within the
article may or may not be up to date depending on when you are
accessing the information. |