July 17, 2009
Bayer CropScience
will be lowering the price of Liberty® herbicide while at the
same time increasing the LibertyLink® canola seed bag cost on an
equal basis. Shifting the cost from the herbicide to the seed
will make Liberty more affordable and flexible. Liberty
herbicide will become more cost-effective as a resistance
management tool with a lower cost for a 2-pass option and/or
higher labeled rate option, where required.
Starting with seed bookings for the 2010 growing season this
fall, the price on a bag of InVigor® hybrid canola will increase
while the price of the Liberty herbicide needed for the system
will decrease significantly as an offset. The net result is the
same cost (based on Suggested Retail Price) to growers. Growers
will also be required to sign a one-time Liberty & Trait
Agreement accompanying this change.
"Our goal is to increase the grower's overall satisfaction with
the LibertyLink system," said Blaine Woycheshin, Liberty & Trait
Agreement Manager for Bayer CropScience. "Making Liberty more
economical makes it an even stronger resistance management
"This shift also recognizes the value created by our traits and
technologies, which has a direct payback to growers and the
canola industry," noted Rod Merryweather, North American
Oilseeds Business Operations Manager. He also pointed out that
InVigor hybrid canola continues to lead as the top yielding
hybrids in the independent Prairie Canola Variety Trials over
the last 10 consecutive years.
This change will also occur with Liberty herbicide and
LibertyLink soybeans in Eastern Canada.
Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the
fields of health care, nutrition and high-tech materials. Bayer
CropScience AG, a subsidiary of Bayer AG with annual sales of
about EUR 6.4 billion (2008), is one of the world's leading
innovative crop science companies in the areas of crop
protection, non-agricultural pest control, seeds and plant
biotechnology. The company offers an outstanding range of
products and extensive service backup for modern, sustainable
agriculture and for non-agricultural applications. Bayer
CropScience has a global workforce of about 18,000 and is
represented in more than 120 countries. Further information on
Bayer CropScience Canada is available at: