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Mark Tucek is the new CEO of Australia's Council of Grain Grower Organisations (COGGO)


July 22, 2009

Mark Tucek is the new CEO of the Council of Grain Grower Organisations (COGGO).

Bindi Bindi grain grower and COGGO Chairman, Bruce Piper,
with new COGGO CEO, Mark Tucek

From August 18, he replaces inaugural COGGO CEO, Geoff Smith, who in April announced his intention to retire once a suitable replacement was found.

Announcing the appointment, Bindi Bindi grain grower and COGGO Chairman, Bruce Piper, said that an exhaustive outsourced executive recruitment process highly recommended Mr Tucek, a former Grain Pool and CBH manager.

Established in 1997 and now with about 2000 WA members, COGGO is a public company covering approximately half the state’s grain growers, who voluntarily contribute 0.5 per cent of net farm-gate value of production for investment in plant breeding and associated research and development through COGGO.

COGGO supports several grower groups in WA, partners the Grains Research and Development Corporation in Canola Breeders WA, partners Australian Grain Technologies in a WA wheat breeding venture, AGT-Western Australia and owns COGGO Seeds.

All COGGO Board members are grain growers: Bruce Piper, Bindi Bindi, Aiden Obst, Mingenew, Bruce Eyres, Kulin, Christopher Roberts, Esperance, Steven Rowe, Mullewa, John Carstairs, Perenjori and Gerard Paganoni, Broomehill.

Mr Piper said Mr Tucek’s appointment signalled an exciting new era for COGGO and would build on Geoff Smith’s eight years in the role, which helped grow COGGO into Australia’s most successful grain grower voluntary funded plant breeding organisation.

“Equipped with our maturing strategic stakeholdings across cereals, legumes and oilseeds, all aimed at investing in and developing varieties that perform and benefit COGGO members, Mark will work closely with our Australian and overseas partners.

“In doing this, he’ll ensure he leverages maximum value from breeding technologies that make a real difference to growers’ pockets, in terms of higher yields and better disease and pest resistance, for example,” Mr Piper said.

A 1989 agricultural science honours graduate from The University of Western Australia, Mr Tucek has been Environmental Development Co-ordinator with City of Joondalup for the last year.

During more than 12 years with CBH/Grain Pool, he held management positions across research and development, business development and product development and was also very involved in managing grain related R&D programs.

He supervised Grain Pool technical programs and concurrently served 10 years as Executive Officer to the Grains Research Committee, a now defunct grower-run committee that allocated WA grower levies to state specific grains R&D and which had a role in COGGO’s formation and early development.

Earlier in his professional career, he was a technical officer and research officer with the WA Department of Agriculture, working mainly with crop performance modeling.

Mr Tucek said he appreciated and understood that COGGO’s prime objective was delivering new, improved varieties to WA growers.

“As such, COGGO’s basic marketing objective is to supply growers with the right new cultivars, at the right price, at the right time and in the right places.

“I bring to the role of COGGO CEO a breadth of marketing experience across the spectrum of the supply chain, which I will draw on to keep these marketing objectives front and centre in everything I do,” Mr Tucek said.





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