Manila, The Philippines
July 17, 2009
CropBiotech Update
Philippines' National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)
recently culminated its 31st Annual Scientific Meeting with the
conferment of new academicians and recognition of outstanding
young scientists. Dr. Eufemio Rasco, Jr., a plant breeder and
professor from the University of the Philippines Mindanao, was
conferred as one of the new academicians of NAST for his
pioneering contributions in breeding tropical white potato and
his vast contribution in agribiotechnology education in the
country. As a professor, Dr. Rasco spearheaded the development
of a general education course on biotechnology, the first in the
country, that is now adopted by four universities. Dr. Rasco's
collaborative research work with the private sector on biotech
corn hybrids also led to the commercial approval and expansion
of biotech corn market in the country. In addition, his book
entitled, "The Unfolding Gene Revolution", published by the
International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech
Applications (ISAAA) and the Southeast Asian Regional Center for
Graduate Study, was last year's NAST Outstanding Book.
On the other hand, a young breeder from the University of the
Philippines Los Banos UPLB was also honored by NAST as one of
the 2009 Outstanding Young Scientists (OYS) of the year. Dr.
Antonio Lalusin was recognized for his significant work in
abaca, sweet potato and cassava breeding . He has successfully
blended modern biotechnology techniques with conventional plant
breeding strategies using molecular marker assisted selection in
screening and was able to develop high yielding and pest
resistant varieties. NAST is a prestigious S&T award-giving and
advisory body that annually provides recognition to scientific
and technological achievements in the country.
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