Indianapolis, Indiana and Perth,
Western Australia
July 16, 2009
Dow AgroSciences LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow
Chemical Company, and NemGenix,
a Perth-based biotechnology company, announced today a newly
established collaboration agreement to pursue novel technologies
to produce nematode-resistant crops.
The collaboration will support a number of full-time researchers
at NemGenix’s facilities in Perth. Financial terms of the
agreement were not disclosed.
“This exciting collaboration capitalizes on the strengths of
both Dow AgroSciences and NemGenix to develop next-generation
technology to help combat parasitic nematodes, which plague
millions of crop acres across the globe,” said Daniel R. Kittle,
Ph.D., vice president of R&D for Dow AgroSciences. “Dow
AgroSciences is continuously exploring and leveraging enabling
technologies – such as those from NemGenix – to provide new crop
protection solutions that benefit growers around the world.”
Sean Hird, Ph.D., chief executive officer of NemGenix, said,
“This multi-year collaboration is a key milestone in our
corporate development and underscores our growing reputation as
one of Australia’s most exciting new biotechnology companies.
Our research team is excited to have the opportunity to build on
our expertise in nematode control with the strength and
capabilities of a partner such as Dow AgroSciences.”
NemGenix is a privately held agricultural biotechnology
company based at the Western Australia State Agricultural
Biotechnology Centre in Perth. The company's focus is the
research and development of new controls for plant parasitic
nematodes. These endemic soil borne pathogens are estimated to
cause $15bn of crop damage worldwide with losses of more than 15
percent in some crops, such as sugar cane. The company is
currently funded by the Australian Government Department of
Education, Science and Training to undertake the development of
nematode resistant wheat. See
Dow AgroSciences LLC, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, is a
top-tier agricultural company that combines the power of science
and technology with the "Human Element” to constantly improve
what is essential to human progress. Dow AgroSciences provides
innovative technologies for crop protection, pest and vegetation
management, seeds, traits, and agricultural biotechnology to
serve the world's growing population. Global sales for Dow
AgroSciences, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical
Company, are $4.5 billion. Learn more at
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