Welasco, Texas
July 3, 2009
Special alert advisory sent to
growers to be vigilant
A new and as yet unidentified insect is causing heavy damage to
Lower Rio Grande Valley cotton fields already battered by an
extended drought, according to a
Texas AgriLife
Extension Service cotton expert.
“We know this new pest is what’s commonly called a bean thrips
of the genus Caliothrips,” said LeeRoy Rock, a cotton integrated
pest management specialist in Weslaco. “What we don’t know yet
is its species, but we’re working on it.”
Rock has sent out a special alert advisory to area growers on
his electronic mailing list warning them to be on the lookout
for the pest.
"It’s a small, sucking insect found on cotton plant leaves,”
Rock said. “It relieves the plant of its nutrients and water
which causes defoliation and eventually boll loss as well.”
The insect was first detected June 23 in a dryland cotton field
west of Lyford and has since been found in a few other fields,
Rock said.
For now, he’s recommending growers manage these populations with
the same products used to control other thrips found in cotton.
“These insects are easy to miss,” Rock said. “You have to look
closely. And the damage they cause resembles the damage caused
by spider mites except for one little detail: Spider mites cause
leaves to curl downward; this new bean thrips causes them to
curl upward.”
He said area U.S. Department of Agriculture personnel, including
Drs. Scott Armstrong and John Adamczyk, have sent insect samples
to laboratories and universities outside the state for
In an area where in recent years growers routinely planted
upwards of 200,000 acres of cotton, only 60,000 acres were
planted this year, Rock said.
“Low market prices, the drought, and rising input prices have
decreased the number of acres planted,” Rock said. “Many growers
planted sorghum instead.”
Of the 60,000 acres, only 20,000 acres were planted in irrigated
fields, leaving the majority of the crop at the mercy of a
relentless heat, high winds and below-average rainfall.
But even irrigated crops are showing signs of stress, according
to John Norman, a cotton consultant who along with a colleague,
Webb Wallace, first detected the new insect late last month.
Until now, the only good news to report about this year’s crop
was the lack of widespread insect damage, likely due to the
reduced acreage planted and a good ratio of beneficial insects
to damaging insects, according to Rock.
“We’ll have more information soon on this new insect,” he said,
“but for now growers are advised to keep a close eye on their
crop and if they see infestation, treat this new thrips as they
would any of the other thrips that affect cotton, including
soybean and Western thrips.” |