New Delhi, India
February 25, 2009
Genetic Engineering Approval
Committee (GEAC)
F. No. 13/39/2007-C5-11
Ministry of Environment and Forests
Government of India
C5 Division
New Procedure for Commercial Release of Bt Cotton Hybrids
Expressing Approved Events
The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India,
New Delhi under the 'Rules for Manufacture, Use, Import, Export
and Storage of Hazardous Micro Organisms/ Genetically Engineered
Organisms or Cells, 1989 (the Rules, 1989)' notified under the
Environment· (Protection) Act, 1986, is concerned with the
environmental release of genetically modified organisms and
products thereof in the territory of India.
The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) established
under Rule 4 of 'the Rules, 1989' has adopted 'event based
approval mechanism (EBAM) in respect of Bt cotton hybrids
expressing approved events in its meeting held on 2.4.2008 and
subsequently a new procedure under the EBAM was adopted by the
GEAC in its meeting held on 14.1.2009. In accordance with the
decision taken therein, the following new procedure shall be
made applicable in respect of Bt cotton hybrids expressing
approved events.
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