February 17, 2009
Nº 16/2009 : 17 February 2009
Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-552/07
Environment and consumers
Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-552/07
Commune de Sausheim v. Pierre Azelvandre
Member States cannot invoke a public order exception so as to
prevent the disclosure of the location of release of genetically
modified organisms
Mr Pierre Azelvandre wishes to know the
location of open field tests of genetically modified organisms
(GMOs) which have taken place within his commune. On 21 April
2004, he requested the Mayor of Sausheim (Haute-Alsace) to
disclose to him, concerning each release having taken place
within that commune, the public notice, the planting record
showing the parcel of land that has been planted, and the
prefectoral covering letter relating to those documents. He also
requested the information file on each new release which would
take place in 2004.
In the absence of an answer to his
request, he applied to the Committee on Access to Administrative
Documents (CAAD) for disclosure of those documents. On 24 June
2004, the committee issued a favourable opinion concerning the
disclosure of the public notice and the first page of the
prefectoral covering letter. By contrast, it decided against the
disclosure of the planting record for the parcels of land and of
the map showing where the releases had occurred, on the ground
that such disclosure would prejudice the privacy and safety of
the farmers concerned.
Following that opinion, as the Mayor of
Sausheim had not disclosed all of the documents of the file, Mr
Azelvandre challenged that refusal before the French
administrative court.
The Conseil d’État, hearing the case at
first and last instance, refers the question to the Court of
Justice of the definition of ‘location of release’ which may not
be kept confidential in accordance with the directive of 12
March 2001 on the deliberate release into the environment of
GMOs1 and of the interpretation of the relevant
public information obligations, arising under Community law. In
particular, the Court is asked whether the national authorities
can prevent the disclosure of the planting record for the
parcels of land and of the map showing where the releases had
occurred on the ground that it prejudice public order and other
interests protected by law.
Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 12 March 2001 on the deliberate release into the
environment of genetically modified organisms and repealing
Council Directive 90/220/EEC (OJ 2001 L 106, p. 1)
The location of release
Because of the precautionary principle
and the risks to the environment and human health, the directive
created a transparent system for the authorisation procedure of
measures relating to the preparation and implementation of
releases. It established not only procedures for consultation of
the public and, if appropriate, of groups on a proposed
deliberate release of GMOs, but also a right of public access to
information relating to that operation and the establishment of
public registers which must include information on the location
of every release of GMOs.
Thus, persons wishing to release GMOs
into the environment are, in accordance with the directive, to
submit a notification to the competent national authorities,
which must include a technical dossier containing the required
information, namely: 1) the location and size of the release
sites, the description of the release site ecosystem, including
climate, flora and fauna and the proximity to officially
recognised biotopes or protected areas which may be affected,
for genetically modified higher plants; 2) the geographical
location and grid reference of the release site(s) and the
description of target and non-target ecosystems likely to be
affected, for the other GMOs.
It follows from the connection thereby
established between the notification procedure and the access to
information relating to the deliberate release of GMOs that,
save in the case
of exemptions under the directive, the relevant public may
request the disclosure of all information submitted by the
notifier in the context of the authorisation procedure relating
to that release.
Therefore, the
‘location of release’ is determined by all the information
relating to the location of the release as submitted by the
notifier to the competent authorities of the Member State on
whose territory the release is to take place in accordance with
the directive.
The right of third party access to information relating to
the release
The directive precisely defines the confidentiality which can
apply to the various information that is disclosed in the
context of the notification procedure and exchange of
information provided for by the directive. Therefore,
confidential information notified to the Commission and to the
competent authority or exchanged in accordance with the
directive, and also information liable to harm a competitive
position and protecting intellectual property rights, cannot be
disclosed. Furthermore, the competent authority decides, after
consulting the notifier, what information must be kept
confidential in the light of the ‘verifiable justification’
given by the notifier. Therefore, the information relating to
the location of the release can in no case be kept confidential.
In those circumstances, considerations relating to the
protection of public order and other secrets protected by law,
such as specified by the referring court, cannot constitute
reasons capable of restricting access to the information listed
by the directive, including in particular those relating to the
location of release.
That interpretation is substantiated by
the requirement, laid down in the directive, that information
concerning the environmental risk assessment may not be kept
confidential. Furthermore, a Member State cannot invoke an
exemption provision provided for by the directives on freedom of
access to environmental information in order to refuse access to
information which should be in the public domain2.
Unofficial document for media use, not binding on the Court
of Justice.
Languages available: CS, DE, EN, ES, EL, HU, IT, PL, PT, SK
The full text of the judgment may be found on the Court’s
internet site at
It can usually be consulted after midday (CET) on the day
judgment is delivered. |