Brussels, Belgium
February 10, 2009
Source: European Commission,
Midday Express
Today the Commission submitted to the Council two proposals
addressed to Austria, asking it to repeal its safeguard measures
on the cultivation of GM maize lines MON810 and T25.
These measures were adopted by Austria in 1999 and 2000 for
MON810 and T25 respectively. Austria initiated work to collect
any relevant scientific evidence which in its view would justify
provisionally the maintenance of the safeguard measure, in
particular in reference to "the different agricultural
structures and regional ecological characteristics" as indicated
in recital 3 of the Council Decision of 18 December.
In November 2007, Austria submitted to the Commission the
scientific information that resulted out of its work.
Subsequently, on 18 April 2008 the Commission requested EFSA to
assess the information submitted by Austria to support its
safeguard measures. On 4 December 2008, EFSA adopted its opinion
(published on 11 December 2008) concluding that the scientific
evidence currently available does not sustain the arguments
provided by Austria, and that cultivation of maize lines MON810
and T25 is unlikely to have an adverse effect on human and
animal health and the environment in Austria.
Under these circumstances, Austria should repeal its safeguard
measure with regards to the use and sale of seeds of maize lines
MON810 and T25. |