La Molina, Lima, Peru
June 18, 2009
Potato varieties bred with
CIP materials or obtained
with help from the center now occupy over 1 million hectares of
land worldwide. This statistic comes from a survey of 23
national potato-breeding programs in developing countries in
Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, which together
account for more than 80% of developing country potato area and
This is an important milestone. not only for CIP, which has
invested in potato breeding ever since its inception more than
35 years ago, but for the agriculture research community as a
whole, because it helps validate investments in crop improvement
programs. Over the past three decades, CIP breeders have been
spearheading efforts to develop better-adapted,
disease-resisting, higher-yielding potato varieties that can
become a reliable source of food and income for poor potato
farmers around the world. And according to recent findings, this
long-term investment is paying off. Equally important, this
impressive marker demonstrates farmers' continued interest in
adopting new, improved potato varieties.
In addition to identifying the most popular varieties adopted by
farmers, the survey (conducted in 2007 and validated in 2008)
elicited information on potato and seed production, released
varieties, escapes, and scientific staffing, among other things.
The total area planted to CIP-developed varieties in the
surveyed countries increased to 13.1 percent. China contributed
to about half of the increase, compared to figures from a
previous 1997 survey. Cooperation 88, covering nearly 120 000 ha
in 2007, is the largest adopted CIP-developed variety worldwide.
Peru also made significant contributions, with the area planted
to the Canchan variety more than doubling in just 10 years from
26 000 ha to 58 000 ha. Today, this CIP-derived high-yielding,
late blight-resistant potato variety released by Peru’s national
potato breeding program is a predominant commercial variety on
the Peruvian market.
CIP materials have had significant impact in the poorer
countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, contributing to improved food
security in that continent. In seven of the eight countries
sampled in 2007, CIP-NARS varieties occupied the largest
proportion of the total area planted, with 92 000 ha in Rwanda,
30 200 ha in Uganda and 67 000 ha in Kenya. In Tanzania,
Kikondo, a CIP-distributed and NARS-released variety occupies 18
000 hectares, representing more than 50% of the country’s total
area planted. In Burundi and DR Congo CIP-related varieties
occupy almost all of the planted potato area.
Potato is a vegetatively propagated crop that is susceptible to
viruses and diseases, which are, in turn, transmitted by
infected tubers used as seed the following year. CIP-bred
materials have been particularly important for smaller national
programs that do not have enough potato production to justify a
full-scale breeding effort, and more importantly, the budget to
conduct the costly and time-consuming pathogen testing and virus
elimination required for successful breeding. The relatively
large number of varieties adopted in Sub-Saharan Africa also
suggests success in providing adapted materials to highly
heterogeneous agro-ecological zones.
CIP-bred materials are set to become more important with potato
production in developing countries growing much faster than
anticipated. Potato area and yield in developing nations have
expanded rapidly since the early 1960s, with production
increasing more than threefold and the area more than doubling.
With an estimated achieved yield increase of 2.0 tonnes per
hectare, widespread adoption of CIP materials has generated a
net present value of more than US$120 million and rates of
return to continued investment in breeding and crop-improvement
programs of more than 20 percent. If new materials continue to
be developed and are successful in responding to farmers’
demands, the aggregate area under CIP-related varieties will
continue to increase returns to investment in crop improvement
programs. Strengthening breeding programs in developing
countries that seek advanced materials and populations for local
selection will increase the chance that the released varieties
will share parentage with CIP material.
In today’s economic context, the role of the potato as a staple
crop becomes more and more relevant as food crop prices settle
at higher levels than in the past. Thus, the development and
availability of appropriate varieties and crop technologies is
crucial to meet an increased potato demand at affordable prices
for the poor. |