September 25, 2008
Australian Grain
Technologies (AGT) announced the release of Hyperno, a durum
variety that has set the benchmark for combining high grain
yield, disease resistance, and exceptional quality for NNSW and
Queensland durum growers.
Hyperno’s release is a result of AGT’s recent increased focus on
breeding and evaluation activities in northern Australia.
“Hyperno has been consistently the most outstanding durum
variety for grain yield in NNSW & QLD since its inclusion in the
National Variety Trial (NVT) network, producing higher overall
yields than all other commercial varieties in that region.” says
Jason Reinheimer, AGT durum breeder.
“Hyperno also boasts high levels of leaf, stem and stripe rust
resistance coupled with good levels of sprouting and black point
tolerance, not common in all other current and approaching
variety releases”
Hyperno produces bright golden grain, ideal for high quality
semolina and pasta production. “The APDR classification gained
for Hyperno is set to further enhance the exceptional export
quality durum produced in NNSW” said Jason.
Hyperno is a mid maturity durum variety.. Despite its mid season
maturity , it has still been able to produce superior yields
when compared to earlier maturity varieties under moisture
stress conditions such as those experienced in 2006 and 2007.
“This provides farmers with an advantage as Hyperno can still
yield well in shorter seasons but can also take better advantage
of more favourable seasons due to its mid maturity” said Jason
“This combination of traits in one durum variety is unique to
northern Australia, providing farmers with increased confidence
in the profitability of their durum production.”
Hyperno was developed by AGT’s wheat breeding team in
conjunction with the University of Adelaide’s durum breeding
program led by Dr Tony Rathjen.
Key Features
- Mid season maturity durum
- Excellent yield potential
in northern NSW and Queensland
- Rust resistant
- Good level of sprouting
and black point tolerance
- Excellent semolina and
pasta quality, APDR classification in northern NSW
Seed of Hyperno will be available
for commercial sowing in autumn 2009.
For seed inquiries, please contact the following AGT Affiliates:
Agrigrain – Narromine
02 6889 2200
Associated Grain – Dalby 07 4662 1999
Grainland – Moree 02 6752 1511
Woods Seeds – Goondiwindi 07 4670 0400