Fremantle, Western Autralia
September 17, 2008
Mingenew grain grower Clancy
Michael put his case for a glyphosate tolerant lupin, while
addressing the GRDC supported ‘Lupins for Health and Wealth’
conference at Fremantle on Monday, September 15.
Farming 4700 hectares on sandplain country, Mr Michael said
developing such a technology could greatly benefit the lupin
industry, as WA growers needed to compete on a level
international ‘protein playing field’ with northern hemisphere
Roundup Ready soybean growers, whose productions costs were
“With WA growers opting to not crop paddocks and then apply
glyphosate to take weeds out and conserve moisture, I believe a
better alternative would be planting a glyphosate tolerant lupin
if we had the technology available to us,” he said.
Mr Michael added that the cost of developing such a technology
for lupins would not be prohibitively expensive, compared with
the benefits it would bring. |