Berlin, Germany
May 16, 2008
On 15 May 2008 the
Federal Office of Consumer
Protection and Food Safety (BVL) ordered the immediate
suspension, in accordance with § 80 (2) sentence 1 No. 4 VwGO
(ruling by the administrative courts), of the following seed
disinfectants as a result of new findings from the latest
calculations in the authorisation procedure.
Antarc, BVL authorisation
number 4674-00
Chinook, BVL authorisation number 4672-00
Cruiser 350 FS, BVL authorisation number 4914-00
Cruiser OSR, BVL authorisation number 4922-00
Elado, BVL authorisation number 5849-00
Faibel, BVL authorisation number 4704-00
Mesurol liquid, BVL authorisation number 3599-00
Poncho, BVL authorisation number 5272-00
The background to this decision
which was taken following a detailed investigation of the
current situation is the damage to honeybees in South-West
Germany. The BVL’s task was to examine to what extent the
reported bee poisoning is connected with the use of seeds
treated with plant protection products. The examination showed
that the use of seeds treated with insecticides which are
applied by pneumatic seeding machines of a certain construction
causes higher bee exposure than the authorisation procedure has
shown up to now.
New risk assessments carried out due to the bee damage which
take the increased exposure into consideration show that it is
probably not possible to exclude an unacceptable impact on bees
due to such exposure. In conjunction with this, the guarantee of
operator protection for the uses stated will, amongst other
factors, be examined.
Due to these new findings, a suspension of authorisation pending
further notice is ordered for precautionary reasons to avoid
further bee damage and to clarify the connections for definite
as well as further possible effects on the environment.
The plant protection offices responsible for providing
agricultural advice in the federal states were also informed
immediately to be able to pass on the corresponding information
to operators.
Background to suspending an authorisation
The suspension of the authorisations stated means that further
imports, placing on the market and further use of the plant
protection products concerned are excluded. The same applies,
according to paragraph 16e (2) PflSchG (German Plant Protection
Act), to plant protection products which require a parallel
import permit which refers to one of the authorisations
mentioned above.
Publication date: 16.05.2008
Date of issue: 11.06.2008 |