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PG Economics releases "Focus on yield - Biotech crops; evidence, outcomes and impacts 1996-2006"


Dorchester, United Kingdom
September 1, 2008

In the light of the current world food security and price debate, PG Economics is releasing a summary of the yield effect of GM crops. 

This summary is supplemented by a more detailed examination of the yield impacts and the broader reports on the socio-economic and environmental impacts of the technology 1996-2006 - AgBioForum 11(1):21-28 2008.

The summary on GM crop yields documents from peer reviewed papers the real contribution of biotech crops to improving global crop yields and increasing production over the period 1996-2006.

The paper summaries some of the key yield and production impacts of the technology detailed in the peer reviewed scientific journal article Global impact of biotech crops: socio-economic and environmental impacts 1996-2006.





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