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SGS Mid-West Seed Services, Inc. soil laboratory is now open for business


Brookings, South Dakota
September 2, 2008

Source: SGS-Mid-West Seed Services

Our new Soil Testing Lab is open for business on Sept 1st, 2008. Dr. Angela Guidry our Soil Lab manager has worked hard to get everything up and running so we are able to accept soil samples on Sept 1st.

Soil testing is vital to knowing and managing fields to their highest productive capabilities. Input costs and grain prices have risen to allow for a larger profit or loss if all resources are not managed to their potential. SGS MWSS understands agriculture, industry needs, and works to supply its customers with the best service and analysis to make your business and ours a success. SGS MWSS will perform routine N, P, and K plus micronutrient analysis to provide customer with greater understanding of soil fertility and nutrient recommendations can be included with results. SGS MWSS can also provide nutrient and pH grid mapping services available in addition to variable rate fertilizer application prescriptions.

Services available

Packages: Advanced, Variable Rate Technology, Northern Plains Corn, Northern Plains Small Grain, Northern Plains Soybean, Northern Plains Basic, Lawn and Garden

Individual: All mineral elements, pH, organic matter, particle size, soluble salts, calcium carbonate, cation exchange capacity, % base saturation, and sodium absorption ratio, soybean cyst nematode

Pickup of your collected samples is available upon request or SGS MWSS can pull your samples.
Grid mapping of nutrients available.

Further information: Angela Guidry, PhD





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