November, 2008
Wheat genetic resources
enhancement by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement
Center (CIMMYT)
Rodomiro Ortiz, Hans-Joachim Braun, Jose´ Crossa, Jonathan H.
Crouch, Guy Davenport, John Dixon, Susanne Dreisigacker, Etienne
Duveiller, Zhonghu He, Julio Huerta, Arun K. Joshi, Masahiro
Kishii, Petr Kosina, Yann Manes, Monica Mezzalama, Alexei
Morgounov, Jiro Murakami, Julie Nicol, Guillermo Ortiz Ferrara,
J. Ivan Ortiz-Monasterio, Thomas S. Payne, R. Javier Pena,
Matthew P. Reynolds, Kenneth D. Sayre, Ram C. Sharma, Ravi P.
Singh, Jiankang Wang, Marilyn Warburton, Huixia Wu, Masa Iwanaga
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution (2008) 55 Number 7 /
November, 2008: 1095–1140
DOI 10.1007/s10722-008-9372-4
The International Maize and
Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) acts as a catalyst and
leader in a global maize and wheat innovation network that
serves the poor in the developing world. Drawing on strong
science and effective partnerships, CIMMYT researchers
create, share, and use knowledge and technology to increase
food security, improve the productivity and profitability of
farming systems and sustain natural resources. This
people-centered mission does not ignore the fact that
CIMMYT’s unique niche is as a genetic resources enhancement
center for the developing world, as shown by this review
article focusing on wheat.