Lafayette, Indiana
October 24, 2008
Indiana Crop Improvement Association (ICIA) has met the
Syngenta proficiency requirements and will now be added to the
list of approved testing labs that GreenLeaf Genetics LLC and
Syngenta Seeds, Inc. licensees may utilize for conducting the
following event purity tests:
• Bt11 Liberty bioassay
• GA21 glyphosate bioassay
Completing the proficiency
requirements is in line with ICIA’s philosophy to remain at the
forefront of industry demands and to be in a position to offer
the greatest value to its customers. ICIA’s Genetics Lab staff
has worked closely with the team at Syngenta and is poised to be
a strong resource for its customers who are also Agrisure® trait
licensees. When submitting seed to test for these events, please
send a minimum of a 2 pound sample and keep in mind if there are
other tests required ICIA may need additional seed. Please call
the lab with any questions: 765-523-2535 or 866-899-2518.
Indiana Crop Improvement Association, Inc. is a science-based
testing laboratory and technology center, offering seed and
green tissue testing services for most crop species. In addition
to conventional lab tests, the Genetics Lab offers PCR and ELISA
trait testing and a line-up of GMO tests for seed, grain and
related products. ICIA also offers customized field service
programs, Identity Preserved (IP) programs, auditing services,
Quality Assurance (QA) programs and is an ISO 9001-2000
certified organization. |