Bergschenhoek, The Netherlands
May 19, 2008
Horticultural professionals
worldwide are constantly on the lookout for new and improved
methods to guarantee the health of seeds and plants. From 14th
to 16th May last week, De
Ruiter Seeds brought together experts, breeders, growers and
journalists from all over the world, to exchange ideas on seed
and young plant health.
Increased scale results in more stringent requirements
From Wednesday 14th to Friday 16th May, De Ruiter Seeds
organised a varied programme around the very topical subject of
seed and plant health. The increased scale in glass horticulture
worldwide and the increasingly stringent requirements in the
food chain ensure that the health of products, from seed to
shelf, is becoming ever more important. Each link in the chain
is responsible in one way or another, and many joint measures
have already been taken in order to guarantee health. One of the
main reasons for the three day meeting was to enable
professionals from the horticultural sector to share this
know-how and experience.
Seed and Young Plant Health symposium
The ‘Seed and Young Plant Health’ symposium was staged last
Thursday 15th May. Representatives from the horticultural sector
examined the subject of seed and plant health from various
angles: breeding, the nursery, research and policy. The
international character of these days was reflected in the
participants and speakers, and resulted in an inspirational
exchange of experiences. A presentation by Dr. Andrea Minuto of
the Italian CERSAA agricultural institute on phytosanitary
management in the horticultural sector was given alongside a
contribution by a Dutch breeder faced with phytosanitary
measures in daily practice, for example. The meeting
participants agree that collaborating together will result in
practical solutions from which the entire horticultural sector
can profit.
Ockels opens new laboratories and seed processing facilities
A very special moment during the three day programme was the
official opening of the new facilities at De Ruiter Seeds in
Bergschenhoek, on Thursday 15th May.
The new accommodation offers researchers and the Seed Processing
department even more opportunity to breed and process the best
quality varieties.
In presenting his vision of modern technologies, Wubbo Ockels,
The Netherlands' best known astronaut and authority in the field
of innovation technology, gave a passionate speech with the
title ‘play with nature’. After this speech a spectacular act
(photo) led up to the festive opening of the new facilities.
De Ruiter Seeds breeds, produces and sells hybrid vegetable
seeds for quality products in the tomato, cucumber, aubergine,
sweet pepper, melon and rootstock sectors. De Ruiter Seeds is
one of the world’s top breeding companies. |