New Delhi, India
June, 2008
Genetic Engineering Approval
Committee (GEAC)
Date : 25.6.2008
Venue : Room No. 623
Time : 11.00 AM
Agenda item No. 1 : Leave of absence
Agenda item No. 2 : Confirmation of Minutes of 85th Meeting of
the GEAC held on 28.5.2008.
Agenda item No. 3 : Action taken report on the decision taken in
the 85th GEAC meeting.
Agenda Item No 4: Consideration of New proposals
A. Pharmaceutical
4.1 Permission for manufacture and commercialization of
recombinant Chymosin by M/s. Sudershan Biotech Ltd.
B. Transgenic Crops
Hybrids expressing expressing Cry 1 Ac (MON 531 event)
4.2 Permission for commercialization of NCHB 940 Bt and NCHB 945
Bt expressing Cry 1 Ac (MON 531 event) in the South Zone by M/s
Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd.
Hybrids expressing stacked genes (Cry 1Ac & Cry 2Ab (Mon
4.3 Permission for commercialization of Ankur 5642 BG II, Ankur
10122 BG II and Akka BGII expressing Cry 1Ac & Cry 2Ab genes
(MON 15985) in the South Zone by M/s Ankur Seeds Pvt. Ltd.
4.4 Permission for commercialization MRC-7918 BGII and MRC 7929
BGII expressing Cry 1Ac & Cry 2Ab genes (MON 15985) in the South
Zone by M/s Mahyco.
4.5 Permission for commercialization Brahma BG II expressing Cry
1Ac & Cry 2Ab genes (MON 15985) in the South Zone by M/s
Monsanto Genetics India Pvt. Ltd.
4.6 Permission for commercialization of KCH-135 Bt (BGII)
expressing Cry 1Ac & Cry 2Ab genes (MON 15985)in the South Zone
by M/s Kaveri Seed Company Ltd.
4.7 Permission for commercialization GK 217 BG II expressing Cry
1Ac & Cry 2Ab genes (MON 15985) in the South Zone by M/s Ganga
Kaveri Seeds Pvt Ltd.
4.8 Permission for commercialization KDCHH-441 BG II and KDCHH
9632 BG II expressing Cry 1AC & Cry 2Ab genes (MON 15985) in the
South Zone by M/s Krishidhan Seeds Ltd.
4.9 Permission for commercialization RCH-596 BG II expressing
Cry 1AC & Cry 2Ab genes (MON 15985) in the South Zone by M/s
Rasi Seeds Pvt. Ltd.
4.10 Permission for commercialization SP-1037 B2 expressing Cry
1Ac & Cry 2Ab genes (MON 15985) in the South Zone by M/s Bayer
Biosciences Ltd.
4.11 Permission for commercialization NAMCOT 612 BG II and
NAMCOT 607 BGII expressing Cry 1Ac & Cry 2Ab genes (MON 15985)
in the South Zone by M/s Namdhari Seeds Pvt. Ltd.
4.12 Permission for commercialization NSPL 999 BG II and NSPL
405 BG II expressing Cry 1Ac & Cry 2Ab genes (MON 15985) in the
South Zone by M/s Nandi Seeds Pvt. Ltd.
4.13 Permission for commercialization VBCH 1501 BGII, VBCH 1505
BG II and VBCH 1506 BG II expressing Cry 1AC & Cry 2Ab genes
(MON 15985) in the South Zone by M/s Vibha Agrotech Ltd.
4.14 Permission for commercialization PCH 2270 Bt 2 and PCH 105
Bt 2 expressing Cry 1Ac & Cry 2Ab genes (MON 15985) in the South
Zone by M/s Prabhat Agri Biotech Ltd.
4.15 Permission for commercialization ACH-155-2 BG II, ACH-177-2
BGII expressing (Cry 1Ac & Cry 2Ab genes (MON 15985) in the
South Zone by M/s Ajeet Seeds Ltd
4.16 Permission for commercialization NCS 854 Bt 2 and NCS 207
BGII expressing Cry 1AC & Cry 2Ab genes (MON 15985) in the South
Zone by M/s Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd.
4.17 Permission for commercialization ABCH 1065 Bt BG II and
ABCH 1020 Bt BG II expressing Cry 1 AC & Cry 2Ab genes (MON
15985) in the South Zone by M/s Amar Biotech Ltd.
4.18 Permission for commercialization 322-2, 113-2 and 340-2
expressing Cry 1AC & Cry 2Ab genes (MON 15985) in the South Zone
by M/s Bioseed Research India Pvt. Ltd.
4.19 Permission for commercialization PRCH 504 BG II and PRCH
505 BG II expressing Cry 1AC Cry 2Ab genes (Mon 15985) in the
South Zone by M/s Pravardhan Seeds Pvt. Ltd.
4.20 Permission for commercialization VICH 15 Bt (BG II) and
VICH 5 Bt (BG II) expressing Cry 1Ac & Cry 2Ab genes (Mon 15985)
in the South Zone by M/s Vikram Seeds Ltd.
Hybrids expressing genes (Cry 1Ab -Cry 1Ac ) “GFM Cry 1A”
4.21 Permission for commercialization UPLHH-12 Bt and UPLHH-5 Bt
expressing (Cry 1Ab – Cry 1Ac) “GFM Cry 1A”gene in the South
Zone by M/s Uniphos Enterprises Ltd.
4.22 Permission for commercialization ZCH-50072 Bt expressing
(Cry 1Ab -Cry 1Ac) “GFM Cry 1A” gene in the South Zone by M/s
Zuari Seeds Ltd.
4.23 Permission for commercialization NCEH 13 Bt, and NCEH 34 Bt
expressing (Cry 1Ab – Cry 1Ac ) “GFM Cry 1A”gene in the South
Zone by M/s Nath Seeds Ltd.
4.24 Permission for commercialization SBCH-292 Bt expressing
(Cry 1Ab -Cry 1Ac ) “GFM Cry 1A” gene in the South Zone by M/s
Safal seeds & Biotech Ltd.
4.25 Permission for commercialization Monsoon Bt expressing (Cry
1Ab -Cry 1Ac) “GFM Cry 1A” gene in the South Zone by M/s Yashoda
Hybrid Seeds Pvt. Ltd.
Hybrids expressing Cry 1Ac event -1
4.26 Permission for commercialization of JKCH-2245 Bt, JK Indra
Bt, JK Chamundi Bt and JK- Gowri Bt expressing Cry 1Ac event -1
in the South Zone by M/s JK Agri Genetics Ltd.
Agenda Item No 5: Consideration of Proposals for Large Scale
Field Trials of Bt cotton expressing new gene/events.
5.1 Permission for Large Scale Trials, ICAR trials and seed
production of cotton hybrids 5174 Bt and 5125 Bt expressing
synthetic Cry1C gene (event 9124) in Central and South Zones by
M/s Metahelix Life Science Pvt. Ltd.,
Agenda Item No 6: Consideration of Applications for
MLRT/Strip Trials and Experimental Seed Production of transgenic
crops expressing new genes/events during Kharif, 2008 as
recommended by the MEC/RCGM.
6.1 Application submitted by M/s. Dow AgroSciences India Pvt.
Ltd, Mumbai for permission to conduct experimental seed
production of newly developed transgenic cotton hybrid namely
WS106 expressing cry1Ac and cry 1F genes (Widestrike=Event
3006-201-23 and Event 281-24-236) in 0.5 ha area in South zone
during Kharif 2008 for generating material for biosafety
6.2 Application submitted by M/s. Dow AgroSciences India Pvt.
Ltd, Mumbai for permission to conduct pollen flow study of newly
developed transgenic cotton hybrid namely WS106 expressing
Cry1Ac and Cry 1F genes (Widestrike=Event 3006-201-23 and Event
281-24-236) at one location in South zone during Kharif 2008.
6.3 Application submitted by M/s. Nunhems India Pvt. Ltd.,
Gurgaon for permission to conduct Strip trials on 30 lines of
transgenic Cabbage and Cauliflower i.e RST08-1 to RST08-30 (15
gene events for Cabbage and 15 gene events for Cauliflower
containing cry 1B and cry 1C gene in North, Central and South
zones for bio-efficacy evaluation.
6.4 Application submitted by M/s. Avesthagen Ltd., Bangalore for
permission to conduct strip trials for male sterile rice lines
(unedited NAD9) and its restorers (Antisense unedited NAD9)
developed by biolistic-mediated transformation with
mitochondrial targeting.
6.5 Application submitted by M/s. Avesthagen Ltd., Bangalore for
permission to conduct strip trials of transgenic rice (Oryza
sativa taipae 309) plants tolerant to oxidative stress by over
expressing superoxide dismutase.
6.6 Application submitted by M/s. Avesthagen Ltd., Bangalore for
permission to conduct strip trials of transgenic tomato lines
expressing unedited NAD9, for lycopene content and agronomic
Agenda Item No. 7: Other items
7.1 Representation from Greenpeace regarding illegal GM food
Agenda Item No 8: Any other matter with the permission of the
Information to project proponents: Proponents who wish to
present their case/views before the GEAC may be available during
the meeting on 25.6.2008. |