July 11, 2008
CropBiotech Update
After many years of confined and
open field trials, Burkina Faso has finally commercialized Bt
cotton making it the third African country after South Africa
and Egypt to join the ranks of biotech crop countries. Egypt
recently commercialized Bt. maize (MON 810) and South Africa has
been growing biotech crops (Bt. maize, Bt. Cotton and GM
Soybean) for about 10 years.
Burkina National Agricultural Research Institute (INERA) and
Monsanto recently signed a commercial agreement paving way for
the importation of Bt cotton seeds to be grown for seed
multiplication. Mr. Kinyua Mbijjewe of Monsanto Africa confirmed
that seeds enough for 15,000 hectares had been imported and are
already being planted by Burkinabe farmers. INERA hopes to
produce 400,000 hectares worth of seeds for the next planting
There is widespread optimism in the country that Burkinabe
farmers will finally enjoy the economic and agronomic benefits
of Bt Cotton that South African, Chinese and Indian small scale
farmers have been enjoying for many years. With Burkina Faso
(West Africa) and Egypt (North Africa) joining the ranks of
biotech countries, the challenge is now on eastern and central
African regions to stop dragging their feet on the technology.
For more information contact
Daniel Otunge of ISAAA AfriCenter. |