Golden Valley, Minnesota
January 14, 2008
Syngenta Seeds, Inc.
Newly released data from 2007
Iowa State University (ISU)
corn rootworm trials(1) have focused attention on how certain
trait technologies don’t always have a positive impact on yield.
The data also showed there is not a clear correlation between
root ratings and yield(2). These results challenge the common
assumption that adding traits to germplasm always increases
yield. In fact, the study raises questions about yield drag in
some stacked trait combinations.
At all four research sites, both Yieldgard® Plus and/or
Agrisure® CB/LL/RW outyielded Herculex® XTRA.
“The poorer yield performance of the Herculex XTRA hybrids in
the ISU trials could indicate problems with the Herculex RW
trait itself or the integration of the trait technology into the
genetics,” says Bruce Battles, agronomy marketing manager of
Syngenta Seeds.
“What is clear from these and other studies is that the grower
wins when a seed and tech provider uses an advanced trait
integration process to optimize the quality of conversions, even
when stacking multiple traits,” Battles stated. “Trait
conversion integrates your trait with your hybrid. It’s clear
that yield drag can happen when the conversion brings along
unwanted genetic ‘baggage’. When stacking multiple traits,
there’s an even higher risk of bringing along that unwanted
baggage or having an unpredictable negative result.
“By the same token, stacking can sometimes lead to additional
yield benefits, such as what happened when Syngenta breeders
added the Agrisure RW trait to hybrids with the Agrisure CB/LL
trait. In that case, Syngenta research trials have shown that
even in the absence of rootworm pressure, the yields of hybrids
featuring the Agrisure CB/LL/RW stack of traits still increased
an average of 3.7 bu/A(3) vs. the same hybrids with just the
Agrisure CB/LL trait.”
When it comes to evaluating traits, ISU Entomologist Marlin Rice
cautions that correlating root ratings to yield remains a tricky
proposition. “Rootworm damage is just one piece of the yield
puzzle,” he said. “Standability, stalk strength, root structure,
emergence and disease resistance – these are all yield-driving
factors that have nothing to do with rootworm control and
everything to do with hybrids and genetics.
“The most accurate comparison of trait performance can be
achieved by comparing the yield performance of hybrids with the
same genetics that differ only in the trait,” says Battles.
The ISU study showed where Pioneer 34A16 was the isoline hybrid
(hybrid with no rootworm trait) used as a check for Pioneer’s
34A20 with Herculex XTRA (similar genetics only with the
rootworm trait). At two out of four ISU sites, the isoline
hybrid that was treated with a soil insecticide actually
out-yielded the Pioneer hybrid with Herculex XTRA by 22 and 23
bu/A. At a third site, the isoline hybrid once again outyielded
the Herculex XTRA hybrid by 1 bu/A. The only site in which the
Herculex XTRA hybrid outyielded the isoline was at Sutherland,
IA, by only 2 bu/A.
The ISU study and additional information on the components of
yield are available by visiting
Syngenta is a
world-leading agribusiness committed to sustainable agriculture
through innovative research and technology. The company is a
leader in crop protection, and ranks third in the high-value
commercial seeds market. Sales in 2006 were approximately $8.1
billion. Syngenta employs around 21,000 people in over 90
countries. Syngenta is listed on the Swiss stock exchange (SYNN)
and in New York (SYT). Further information is available at
(1) Average root-injury, product consistency, percent
lodging, and stand count for corn rootworm treatments (CRW
transgenic strip tests), 2007, Iowa State University.
(2) Evaluation of Corn Rootworm Hybrids, Iowa State University,
Southeast, Northeast, and Northwest Research and Demonstration
(3) Average yield increase when comparing isoline hybrids at 133
grower strip trial comparisons in 2007 where rootworm feeding
was not present in untreated checks.
Agrisure® is a registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.
Herculex® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences.
YieldGard® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company. |