"The challenges of change
for arable farming: weather, markets, support, climate"
Paper 1 (872kb) /
Peter Kendal, NFU
"Defra's agriculture and
climate change policy and research programme"
Paper 2 (122kb) / Presentation
Victoria Turner, Defra
"Mitigating climate change:
energy, carbon and nitrogen on the farm"
Paper 3 (105kb) / Presentation
Peter Gregory, SCRI
"Using genetic resistance
to combat pest and disease threats"
Paper 4 (97kb) / Presentation
Bill Angus, Nickersons
"Breeding cops for winter
Paper 5 (223kb)
Eric Ober, Broom's Barn Research Station
"Can disease management
reduce greenhouse gas emissions?"
Paper 6 (121kb)
Neil Paveley, ADAS
"Getting the message across
to UK farmers"
Paper 7 (77kb)/ Presentation
Katie Zabel, Forum for the future
"Climate change projections
for the UK: a farming perspective"
Paper 8 (380kb) / Presentation
Roger Street, UKCIP
"Adapting UK arable
agriculture to climate change"
Paper 9 (103kb) / Presentation
Jo Hossell, ADAS
"Tracking changes in
distribution of diseases"
Paper 10 (95kb) / Presentation
Judith Turner, CSL
"Climate change and phoma
stem canker"
Paper 11 (380kb) / Presentation (2075kb)
Neal Evans, Rothamsted Research
"Control needs for changing
pest distributions"
Paper 12 (163kb) / Presentation
Jon Oakley
"Changing weed species and
management: then, now and tomorrow"
Paper 13 (205kb) / Presentation
Ken Davies
"UK biodiesel -
establishing a 'producer to product' chain"
Paper 14 (72kb) / Presentation
Colin Merritt, Monsanto
"Opportunities for growing
crops for biopolymers"
Paper 15 (79kb) / Presentation
John Williams, National Non-Food Crops Centre
"Developing and growing
wheat for the biofuels market"
Paper 16 (162kb)
Roger Sylvester-Bradley,ADAS
"Implications for UK
Farmers of greenhouse gas reporting under the Renewable
Transport Fuel Obligation"
Paper 17 (111kb)
Jeremy Woods, Imperial College, London