St. Louis, Missouri
February 21, 2008
A new education component for
America’s Heartland, the weekly public television series
that profiles the people, places and products of U.S.
agriculture, is now available online. A series of 42 student
study guides with answer keys for teachers have been developed
to accompany segments from the program’s first season.
“The America’s Heartland
television program does an outstanding job of telling the
farmer’s story, which has long been a priority for Farm Bureau,”
said American Farm Bureau (AFBF) President Bob Stallman. “We’re
pleased to continue our support with the addition of this
initial educational initiative, which targets students with an
interest in agricultural careers.”
AFBF and Monsanto are two
flagship supporters for America’s Heartland, which also
receives support from the National
Corn Growers Association (NCGA), the American Soybean
Association, National Cotton Council, United Soybean Board, the
National FFA Organization, the U.S. Grains Council and the
National Association of Wheat Growers.
The field-tested lessons focus
on career exploration and are targeted to high school and
college students. They are ideal for use by classroom teachers
to enhance instruction in a range of subject areas. Students
also may use the study guides on their own. Subject categories
for study guides and lessons include career profiles, food
science, agricultural tourism, animals, aquaculture,
environmental stewardship, fruits, vegetables, specialty
products and technology.
“For three seasons, our program
has shown millions of television viewers the importance of
agriculture to our nation and the world,” said Jim Finnerty,
series producer of America’s Heartland. “Now, our stories
are being used to provide educators with important new tools
giving students critical insights into agriculture. Teachers
will be able to involve young people in the subject and generate
interest in an industry that might someday be a career option.
In addition, PBS stations, in most communities, are the last
locally owned media enterprises. That means that PBS stations
look for broadcast content that is grounded in the community’s
needs and values.”
Regarding the new America’s
Heartland initiative, Ernesto Fajardo, vice president of
crop production for Monsanto, said, “As a company solely focused
on agriculture, we are proud to support this educational program
that promotes the contributions of U.S. farmers and ranchers to
the quality of life our country enjoys.”
Later this spring, additional
materials will be introduced for younger and older students.
Subject areas will include the environment, history, geography,
food science, trade and much more, according to Betty Wolanyk,
director of research and education for the American Farm Bureau
Foundation for Agriculture. Wolanyk, a former educator,
developed the educational component of the program in
collaboration with Project Food, Land & People.
Produced by KVIE, the PBS
station in Sacramento, America’s Heartland is available
on many PBS stations across the U.S. and on RFD-TV, and each
story is streamed to the program Web site. Last year, the show
reached more than one million consumers per episode, with
viewers in 8 of the top 10 television markets in the country,
including New York, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.
America’s Heartland is airing its third season of
programming and taping is under way on its fourth.
Click here to review the free educational materials. |