London, United Kingdom
February 13, 2008
PG Economics
The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech
Applications (ISAAA) will soon release its annual status
report on global adoption of agricultural biotechnology traits.
It is to be expected that the report will confirm trends from
other national sources that show yet another significant annual
increase in the rate of global plantings of biotech trait crops,
providing clear evidence that this green technology is popular
with millions of farmers because it continues to deliver
important economic, environmental and health benefits.
At the same time, Friends of the
Earth (FOE) will release a report Who Benefits from GM
Crops? The Rise in Pesticide Use, that makes a series of
inaccurate and incorrect claims about the global impact of GM
As authors of a number of peer reviewed published reports and
papers on the impact of agricultural biotechnology, PG Economics
provides below a summary of key real impacts of the technology
and comments on the main claims made by the FOE report.
The real impact of GM crop technology
Peer reviewed research in scientific journals
consistently shows that agricultural biotechnology has
delivered substantial economic and environmental
advantages. In the first ten years of commercial use,
incomes of the 10.25 million farmers using the technology
increased by over $27 billion and pesticide use is 6.9%
lower (a saving of 224 million kg of active ingredient) than
it would otherwise have been if this technology had not been
used. The reductions in the use of insecticides and
herbicides, coupled with a switch to more environmentally
benign herbicides, have delivered significant net
environmental gains. Important savings in carbon dioxide
emissions were also made, equivalent to removing over 4
million cars from the roads in 2005.
In 2005, the majority of both the farm income
gains (55%) and benefits from reduced pesticide use (54%)
went to farmers in developing countries. 90% of the farmers
benefiting from using the technology are small,
resource-poor farmers in developing countries like China and
The total cost paid by farmers to access GM
technology (seed premium) was equal to an average of only
26% of the total farm income benefit – this has been a major
reason why GM technology has been so popular at the farm
level. For farmers in developing countries the total cost
was equal to only 13% of the total farm income gains they
derived, compared to 38% in developed countries.
Biotech crops have also delivered a number of
other more intangible benefits to farmers. These include:
Herbicide tolerant crops have facilitated a
switch from a plough-based to a no/reduced tillage
production system which has helped reduce soil erosion (and
cut carbon dioxide emissions)
Insect resistant crops have resulted in
improved quality of food (eg, less cancer-causing mycotoxins
in corn) and reduced exposure to insecticides for many farm
workers in developing countries where use of protective
equipment has traditionally been limited
Shortening the growing season allowing some
farmers to plant a second crop in the same season (eg, maize
following cotton in India, soybeans following wheat in South
Inaccurate and incorrect claims by FOE
The FOE report makes numerous inaccurate and
incorrect claims. Information sources cited are not based
on peer reviewed scientific journals/research, are not
representative of actual impacts, are often based on
inappropriate assumptions and use of official (eg, USDA
pesticide usage) statistical data and show poor
understanding of agronomic and socio-economic issues. Much
of the material drawn on is also out of date.
Pesticide use has not increased as a result
of the adoption of biotech crops – it has fallen
significantly relative to levels of use that would have
occurred without using biotechnology. More importantly
there have been significant environmental gains associated
with this reduction in pesticide usage and switches to use
of more environmentally benign herbicides – see for
example Brookes & Barfoot (2007) GM crops: the first ten
years – global socio-economic and environmental impacts in
Agbioforum 9 (3) on
GM crops have made important contributions to
alleviating hunger and poverty in developing countries. The
majority of the farm income gains from using the technology
have gone to small farmers in developing countries directly
improving their standards of living and family level
disposable income
GM herbicide tolerant (GM HT) technology has
mainly delivered farm income benefits from lower costs of
production. Yield impacts have generally been neutral and
yield improvement has not been a specific target of the
technology – nevertheless, in some countries positive yield
effects have occurred, eg, GM HT soybeans in Romania and
GM insect resistant (GM IR) technology has
delivered important farm income benefits mainly from higher
yields, especially in developing countries. In developed
countries gains from this technology have tended to more
associated with lowering costs of production (reduced use of
insecticides) and less prominent (but still positive) yield
Farmers are not being subjected to limited
seed choice and high prices. The rapid adoption of GM
technology reflects the significant benefits derived from
using the technology relative to the additional costs paid
for the technology (see Brookes & Barfoot referred to
above). If the technology failed to deliver benefits,
farmers would not use the technology. There remains plenty
of choice in seed markets and the dominance of seeds
containing biotech traits in some countries reflects market
demand at the farm level. If competition is perceived to be
limited in any seed market this is an issue for competition
policy not technology approval legislation.
There is a growing and substantial body of
objective and representative evidence assessing the impact
of biotech crops published in peer reviewed journals. The
findings consistently show that on average there have been
important economic and environmental benefits associated
with use of the technology. None of these have been used or
cited by FOE – for those wishing to read further, look for
example, at the references in Brookes & Barfoot (2007)
referred above.
There has not been a steep rise in the
development of weed resistance to glyphosate as a result of
the adoption and use of herbicide tolerant crops. All weeds
have the ability to develop resistance to all herbicides and
there are hundreds of resistant weed species confirmed in
the International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds (
Reports of herbicide resistant weeds pre-date the use of GM
herbicide tolerant crops by decades. Currently, there are
13 weed species that are resistant to glyphosate, compared
to over 90 resistant to ALS herbicides, or over 60 weed
species resistant to triazine herbicides such as atrazine.
Several of the confirmed glyphosate resistant weed species
have been found in areas where no GM herbicide tolerant
crops have been grown. Control of glyphosate resistant
weeds is achieved the same way as other herbicide resistant
weeds, via the use of other herbicides in mixtures or
For additional information: contact Graham
Brookes on 00 44 1531 650123 or
Key reference material: GM crops: the first ten
years – global socio-economic and environmental impacts (2007)
in Agbioforum 9 (3) on