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Resolution of the American Forage & Grassland Council on genetically modified organisms


Elmhurst, Illinois
January 31, 2008

American Forage & Grassland Council (AFGC) Genetically Modified Organism Resolution (GMO)

RESOLVED, THAT the American Forage and Grassland Council (AFGC) is dedicated to advancing the use of forage as a prime resource and promotes the use of sustainable production practices, both economical and environmental, in forage and livestock systems to be accomplished through the education, communication, and professional development of producer, consumer, science, and industry.

RESOLVED FURTHER, THAT production practices across the forage industry are large, diverse, and site specific with many producers electing to utilize GMO or non-GMO forage crops for personal, economic, or marketing reasons.

RESOLVED FURTHER, THAT the AFGC recognizes the increasing economic and social importance of non-GMO production systems such as organic, natural, and others and supports producers and consumers who elect to utilize these systems.

RESOLVED FURTHER, THAT the AFGC recognizes the potential production advances through the use of GMO technology and that these advances may offer significant improvements in production, utilization, and economics of the forage industry.

RESOLVED FURTHER, THAT there are numerous pathways for efficient forage crop production and AFGC supports the coexistence of these divergent science-based systems for the improved sustainability of the forage industry and society as a whole.

Dated this 31st day of January, 2008





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