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Kruger Seeds offers ample supply of hybrids qualifying for new lower crop insurance premiums - More than 30 hybrids contain technology approved to receive premium discounts


Dike, Iowa
February 4, 2008

Corn growers are always looking for ways to reduce risk. Now there’s a new, unique program to help them do just that. Biotech Yield Endorsement (BYE) offers crop insurance premium discounts to growers who plant hybrids containing YieldGard® VT Triple or YieldGard® Plus with Roundup Ready® Corn 2 technology.

Kruger Seeds, Inc. offers more than 30 hybrids containing the traits required for BYE. “We have been aggressive in incorporating this technology into our genetic lines,” says Tom Lizer, general sales manager for Kruger Seeds. “The result is that unlike some other seed companies, we have an ample supply of qualifying hybrids available.”

Kruger offers proven, high-yielding genetics as evidenced by consistently placing well in unbiased university trials, Lizer says. “Growers are getting a win-win with Kruger and this new program – proven genetics coupled with YieldGard® VT Triple or YieldGard® Plus with Roundup Ready® Corn 2 technologies to reduce risk, PLUS a reduction in crop insurance premiums.”

The BYE program is first of its kind. It was approved by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Board (FCIC) and is being implemented by the Risk Management Agency-USDA in four pilot states of Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota and Indiana for the 2008 growing season. Testing continues in other states and it’s expected that the program will be expanded in the future.

“This program reflects the ingenuity that Monsanto is known for,” explains Lizer. “Over a three year testing period, hybrids containing this technology demonstrated an average yield advantage of 13.1 bushels per acre when grown under stressful conditions versus non-traited hybrids with soil insecticide. After a rigorous review, the FCIC Board approved the BYE pilot program.”

He advises growers to talk with their crop insurance provider regarding program details. To learn about which specific Kruger Seeds hybrids meet program approval and will work best for your acres, go to or call 1-800-772-2721.
Kruger Seeds has built a tradition of University Champions by ranking at or near the top in unbiased independent university trials. Season after season, Kruger Seeds fields a team of powerful genetic lines that perform in most growing conditions, insect challenges or weather situations. For more information, please consult





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