December 17, 2008
Speaking at the recent
GRDC supported Better
Oilseeds conference in Perth, Victoria-based consultant Dr Kate
Burke said the eastern states experience so far suggests there
could be positives and some challenges with growing Roundup®
Ready canola.
"The positives are that it is a good integrated weed management
tool which works well with dry sowing, thus maximising yield
potential. Early vigour of the hybrid varieties is also a bonus.
Yield results are pending, but the 2008 crops look promising,"
she said.
"Growing Roundup Ready canola raises grower awareness of
glyphosate resistance issues. Clearly, growers need the risk
assessment guidelines set out in Monsanto's Paddock Risk
Assessment Management Option Guide known as PRAMOG.
"There are some challenges - the timing window for Roundup Ready
application is fairly narrow (up to six leaf) and this troubles
some growers, particularly if weather conditions don't favour
"Minimising drift is also important to avoid damaging sensitive
crops in nearby paddocks. The lack of residual herbicide could
be an issue in years with wet springs, so good crop competition
is essential," Dr Burke said. |