December 5, 2008
Researchers in Bhutan and
local farmer, Sangay Tshewang evaluate maize from
CIMMYT-Colombia for its resistance to the crop
disease, gray leaf spot.
between China and India, the Kingdom of Bhutan is a small
country that relies on maize in a big way. But maize yields are
typically low due to crop diseases, drought, and poor access to
seed of improved varieties, among other reasons. CIMMYT is
committed to improving Bhutan’s food security by providing
high-yielding, pest-resistant maize varieties to farmers and
capacity-building for local scientists.
“If there is no
maize there is nothing to eat,” says Mr. S. Naitein, who farms
maize on half a hectare of land in Bhutan. But it’s not easy to
grow, he says, citing challenges such as animals (monkeys and
wild boars), insects, poor soil fertility, drought, poor access
to improved seed varieties, and crop diseases like gray leaf
spot (GLS) and turcicum leaf blight (TLB).
But since planting
Yangtsipa—an improved maize variety derived from Suwan-1, a
variety introduced from CIMMYT’s former regional maize program
in Thailand—Naitein has seen a real improvement in his maize
yields. The local maize variety yielded 1,700 kilograms per
hectare, whereas Yangtsipa gave him 2,400 kilograms per hectare,
a 40% yield increase.
“It’s no wonder
that Yangtsipa is by far the most popular improved variety among
Bhutanese farmers,” says
Ortiz-Ferrara, CIMMYT regional cereal breeder posted in
Nepal. “Nonetheless, many local varieties of maize still occupy
large areas of the country and don’t yield well.”
Maize is a staple
food in Bhutan. Many people eat Tengma (pounded maize) as a
snack with a cup of tea and Kharang (maize grits) are also
popular. “Among the food crops, maize plays a critical role in
household food security, especially for the poor,” says
Ortiz-Ferrara. About 38% of the rural Bhutanese population lives
below the poverty line and some 37,000 households cultivate
maize. It’s estimated that 80% of this maize is consumed at the
household level, according to Bhutan’s Renewable Natural
Resources Research Center (RNRRC).
Leaf us alone: CIMMYT maize varieties
help combat foliar diseases
Many farmers in Bhutan have been struggling with crop diseases
that cut maize yields. “The recent outbreak of gray leaf spot
and turcicum leaf blight affected 4,193 households and destroyed
over 1,940 hectares of maize crop,” says
Thakur Prasad Tiwari,
agronomist with CIMMYT-Nepal. He estimates that maize is grown
on 31,160 hectares in the country.
Gray leaf spot is
a devastating leaf disease that is spreading fast in the hills
of Bhutan and Nepal. To deal with this threat, CIMMYT sent more
than 75 maize varieties with possible resistance to GLS and TLB
to Bhutan in 2007. Tapping into the resources of its global
network of research stations, CIMMYT sent seed from Colombia,
Zimbabwe, and Mexico that was planted in GLS and TLB ‘hot spot’
locations in the country.
Ortiz-Ferrara and
Tiwari then worked with Tirtha Katwal, national maize
coordinator-Bhutan, and his team to evaluate these materials for
their resistance.
“Together we
identified the top performing lines for gray leaf spot and
turcicum leaf blight which will be excellent candidates for
Bhutan’s maize breeding program,” says Ortiz-Ferrara. “We are
now combining their disease resistance with Yangtsipa, because
we know it is high-yielding and well-adapted to Bhutan.”
Prasad Tiwari (right) agronomist with CIMMYT-Nepal spoke
with Mr. S. Naitein (left) about his success using an
improved CIMMYT maize variety. |
Kevin Pixley,
associate director of CIMMYT’s Global Maize Program, helped to
develop a detailed breeding scheme or work plan for Bhutan’s
national GLS breeding program. “We want to provide
capacity-building for local maize scientists so they themselves
can identify and breed varieties that show resistance to crop
diseases,” he says.
“We feel more
confident in moving forward with the next steps in our breeding
program,” said Katwal. He and his team also attended a training
course on seed production, de-tasselling, and pollination given
by Dr. K.K. Lal, former CIMMYT maize trainee and former chief of
the Seed Quality Control Center at the Ministry of Agriculture
and Cooperatives (MoAC) in Nepal.
That’s what friends are for: CIMMYT,
Nepal, and Bhutan collaboration
In 2001, Bhutan began collaborating on maize research with
CIMMYT-Nepal, the National Maize Research Program (NMRP) of
Nepal, and the Hill Maize Research project (HMRP) funded by the
Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) in Nepal. The terrain
and agro-climatic conditions of Bhutan and the Nepalese highland
are similar, meaning that technologies adapted for Nepal will
likely work well in neighboring Bhutan.
left to right: Sangay Duba, program director, Bhutan's
Renewable Natural Resources Research Center (RNRRC);
Thakur Prasad Tiwari, agronomist with CIMMYT-Nepal;
Ganesh B. Chettri, project director, agriculture support
project, Department of Agriculture, Bhutan; and
Guillermo Ortiz-Ferrara, CIMMYT regional
cereal breeder posted in Nepal. |
CIMMYT aims to
facilitate regional and national partnerships that benefit
farmers. For instance, during the past 7 years CIMMYT-Nepal has
worked with NMRP and RNRRP to introduce 12 open-pollinated
varieties (OPVs) to Bhutan. These modern varieties yield more
than the local varieties whose seed farmers save to sow from
year to year. Included in these 12 OPVs were several quality
protein maize (QPM) varieties; these have nearly twice as much
usable protein as other traditional varieties of maize.
“Our CIMMYT office
in Nepal has assisted Bhutan with maize and wheat genetic
material, technical backstopping, training, visiting scientist
exchange, and in identifying key consultants on research topics
such as grey leaf spot and seed production,” says Tiwari.
Simply put, CIMMYT
has useful contacts. For example, at the request of Bhutan’s
Renewable Natural Resources Research Center (RNRRC),
CIMMYT-Nepal put forward Dr. Carlos De Leon, former CIMMYT
regional maize pathologist, to conduct a course on identifying
and controlling maize diseases in February 2007. In September
2008, CIMMYT and HMRP also recommended two researchers (Dr. K.B.
Koirala and Mr. Govinda K.C.) from Nepal’s NMRP to give a course
on farmer participatory research that has been successful in the
dissemination of new technologies.
our goal is to improve the food security and livelihood of rural
households through increased productivity and sustainability of
the maize-based cropping system,” says Thakur Prasad Tiwari. |