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Council of Grain Grower Organisations Ltd (COGGO) to join Grains Council of Australia


August 25, 2008

Council of Grain Grower Organisations Ltd (COGGO) has taken the initial steps to join Grains Council of Australia (GCA) so that WA growers can once again have a voice at the national policy making table.

Announcing the decision, Bindi Bindi grower and COGGO Chairman, Bruce Piper (photo) said last week’s COGGO Board meeting unanimously supported the initiative.

“For too long, various grower organisations have made WA growers be spectators and not players and COGGO can no longer stand by and see this situation continue.

“Without WA representation at the national level on GCA, WA growers are, effectively, being denied a real voice on funding and policies surrounding such critical areas as research and development and biosecurity, in particular.

“As COGGO imports germplasm and supports R&D projects and investments here and abroad, we are committed to protecting our members’ best interests,” he said.

Mr Piper has held preliminary talks with GCA Chairman, Murray Jones, who has welcomed the COGGO approach.

According to Mr Jones, the GCA’s current focus is on five important areas that require a united national approach: bioscurity & quarantine, trade, climate change, research & development and national transport infrastructure. Legislation requires that GCA consults and recommends on R&D, plant health and the national residue survey.

Mr Piper said that although membership of GCA would not come cheap, it was an essential investment by COGGO, on behalf of all WA growers, in their industry’s future.

With about 2000 WA members, COGGO covers approximately half the state’s growers and, where possible, seeks its members’ views across a broad spectrum of issues.

All COGGO Board members are growers: Bruce Piper, Bindi Bindi, Aiden Obst, Mingenew, Bruce Eyres, Kulin, Christopher Roberts, Esperance, Steven Rowe, Mullewa, John Carstairs, Perenjori and Gerard Paganoni, Broomehill.

COGGO supports a number of grower groups and partners the Grains Research and Development Corporation in Canola Breeders WA and Australian Grain Technologies.

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