August, 2008
Australian Oilseeds
Federation (AOF)
Canola 2008/09
canola crop estimates have been maintained at around 1.6 million
tonnes. Favourable spring conditions
are required to realise the potential, with some upside possible
if conditions are good.
There is still a wide variation in crops across NSW. Most
of the crop is now flowering or commencing flowering.
Variability in sub-soil moisture is affecting crop development.
Patchy rainfall in north-west and south west regions has
benefited early sown crops. All regions require good falls of
around 50mm good rain in the next two weeks to realise yield
potential. Cold weather across much of the State has slowed crop
growth down, particularly the later planted and emerging crops.
There is some concern regarding potential frost damage in the
northern areas. Generally, there is still little incidence of
pests or disease and weeds.
Most of Victoria has experienced average rainfall since
early July. This has set up the crop for good yield potential,
however, the State is relying on a good spring and follow up
rain to maximise potential. Like NSW, crops are showing varied
growth and there have been few pest or disease problems.
Crops in most areas of South Australia are now flowering.
While cold weather has slowed crop development down somewhat,
the outlook is still good. Crops are performing well and with
continuing mild weather and spring rainfall, yield potential
should be realised and there could be some upside potential.
Rainfall has moved closer to monthly average for July in most of
the growing areas in Western Australia. Generally crop
outlook appears slightly better than previous forecasts. The
Esperance region is slightly behind rest of State, but remaining
areas are all reported as performing well. There is still some
unevenness in the crop overall, but most crops are now at
flowering stage. There has been little incidence of pests or
disease. A good spring and average rains are needed to achieve
forecasts. The state is currently experiencing a dry patch.
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