Urrbrae, South Australia
August 8, 2008
Dan Vater is our new Marketing
Manager covering both South Australia and Victoria and will be
based at Roseworthy in South Australia. Dan's appointment will
significantly improve our ability to provide support for our
varieties in this very important production area.
Dan is from Saddleworth in the Mid North of South Australia
where his family run a successful independent agricultural
merchandising business, farm machinery business as well as a
significant cropping enterprise. Dan has an Agriculture degree
and has been employed as a Senior Research Officer with AGT at
Roseworthy since 2003 and has been responsible for coordinating
our most advanced series of national trials as well as seed
production and processing entries for the National Variety Trial
(NVT) program.
Dan can be contacted at Roseworthy on 08 8303 7834; mobile 0427
188 919; or by email at
daniel.vater@ausgraintech.com |