April 8, 2008
GRDC's The Crop Doctor
Autumn is here and growers should
consider if rainfall is helping establish a ‘green bridge’, or
‘ramp’ of grasses and volunteer cereals, hosting pests and
diseases that could transfer to crops in adjacent paddocks.
A recent GRDC-supported
study on the epidemiology of Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV)
demonstrates how this can occur.
In August 2007, a WSMV outbreak was detected in the Koorda
district of WA.
According to DAFWA entomologist, Geoff Strickland, the preceding
summer was wet, with more than 100 millimetres of rain in
January/February, leading to growth of grasses and volunteer
wheat in which the virus vector, the Wheat Curl Mite (WCM) built
up populations and spread WSMV.
WSMV incidence and WCM populations in the wheat crop declined
rapidly with increasing distance from the virus source in an
adjacent pasture with WSMV-infected volunteer wheat. The wheat
crop was probably not downwind from the WCM source and this
probably limited WCM spread, he said.
Within the wheat crop margin, WSMV reached 40 per cent and WCM
numbers eventually reached 4800 mites per wheat ear, Mr
Strickland explained.
A similar scenario in Merredin in 2006 saw high temperatures and
pre-season rainfall generate a substantial ‘green ramp’ of
grasses and volunteer cereals before sowing. Almost 200
millimetres was recorded from January to April.
Where the ‘ramp’ was inadequately controlled there was
widespread WSMV infection across the whole crop paddock, rather
than just in the paddock margin, as in 2007. Strong westerly
winds also appear to have helped spread the WCM.
Wheat is subject to infection by three predominant rust species:
leaf rust, stem rust and stripe rust. These are not seed or
stubble borne, but require living host plants to survive. The
major green bridge risk for cereal rusts is associated with
cereal regrowth.
Rainfall or high relative humidity, creating extended periods of
leaf wetness, is essential for rust infection and autumn weather
often provides these conditions.
Autumn green cereal regrowth can provide a head-start for rust
diseases, increasing the risk of early stripe rust infection in
crops. In highly conducive circumstances, stem and leaf rust can
be found on wheat and barley volunteers. Visible infection on
regrowth strongly indicates an elevated rust risk for the coming
GRDC-supported DAFWA Plant Pathologist, Geoff Thomas said
maximising the pre-plant chemical fallow with early weed control
is important to reduce rusts and pest activity before cropping.
He indicated that early weed control, rather than delayed
sowing, should be used to maximise the pre-plant chemical fallow
period. Pre-plant chemical fallow is most important when autumn
rains promote prolific pre-season cereal growth, as is the case
this year.
Growers are reminded that weeds are more readily controlled when
small. Grazing and burning also provide good weed control, in
addition to chemical control, if compatible with other farming
For leaf diseases, particularly rusts, early control of autumn
cereal regrowth can delay commencement of disease, reducing
disease impact and therefore the expense of subsequent control
Regular updates of plant disease risk, including maps outlining
regional rust risk, are available from the Plant Disease
Forecast 2008 page on the DAFWA website
www.agric.wa.gov.au/cropdisease |
The Crop Doctor is
GRDC Managing Director,
Peter Reading |