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Evaluation of the European legislation governing the marketing of seeds and plant propagating material within the European Union


Brussels, Belgium
February, 2008

Source: European Commission

Evaluation of the European legislation governing the marketing of seeds and plant propagating material within the European Union

The current body of European seed legislation is made up of 12 basic Directives

Many of these date back to the sixties and seventies. As the balance of priorities has changed over the years, with elements such as food safety, traceability, new technologies and environmental aspects becoming more prominent, plus the expansion of the EU to now span 27 Member States, newer legal instruments may be more appropriate to regulate the marketing of S&PM to the benefit of both users and suppliers.

The Commission has therefore decided to review the legislation (the acquis) on the marketing of seeds and plant propagating material, as part of its better regulation initiative.

The first step of this review process consists of an evaluation of the current acquis. This should provide documented answers on the strengths and weaknesses of the current system for achieving the set objectives, or highlight the need to set new objectives in order to respond to new and anticipated challenges.

An equally important aim is to explore the possibilities for simplification and a reduction of administrative burdens on both public authorities and private sector stakeholders.

The evaluation will be carried out by external consultants (the FCEC consortium), assisted by a Steering Group composed of a balanced mix of experts from a number of Member States and from the Commission's services.

The task of the Steering Group is to assist in drafting the terms of reference and the questionnaire, and to ensure the quality of the final report.

On the basis of the recommendations to be contained in the final report, the Commission will then draft an action plan, laying out a programme for putting into practice any suggested reforms.

The FCEC launched a survey on 18 February 2008 to collect the views of stakeholders regarding the current Community acquis on the marketing of seeds and propagating material and to gather suggestions for the future.

The deadline for returning the survey questionnaire is 11 April 2008.

The survey questionnaire is available in Word format and online at





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