Manhattan, Kansas
September 17, 2007
Kansas Crop Improvement Association (KCIA) announced today
that it is invoking emergency procedures under the Federal Seed
Act to ensure that adequate Certified seed supplies are
available for fall planting in 2008. This procedure allows for
the certification of an additional generation of Certified seed
when Foundation and Registered seed stocks are insufficient to
plant the desired acreage. Only the “2137” wheat variety is
eligible for this procedure at this time.
“Seed producers must look at least one or two years into the
future when planning their seed production,” said Daryl Strouts,
KCIA executive director. “The weather factors that affected the
wheat crop this year also affected the seed wheat crop,
consequently, the supply of Foundation and Registered seed for
many wheat varieties is very tight.”
Seed stock production of “2137” has been declining in the last
few years as the variety was being replaced by newer varieties.
Due to a shift in the leaf rust resistance observed this year,
there has been renewed interest in “2137,” setting up this seed
stock shortage.
“Farmers can rest assured that all other standards for seed
certification will apply to this additional generation of
certified seed as well as no reduction in genetic purity,” said
Strouts. This provision will only affect seed wheat produced for
the 2008 crop.