Fargo, North Dakota
October 18, 2007
The North Dakota Agricultural
Experiment Station at North
Dakota State University announces the release of Lariat, an
upright pinto bean variety for use in the northern Great Plains.
According to Juan Osorno, the new dry edible bean breeder in the
Department of Plant Sciences at NDSU, Lariat was developed under
the supervision of Ken Grafton, the former NDSU dry bean breeder
and now dean of the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and
Natural Resources and North Dakota Agricultural Experiment
Station director.
Starting in 1996, Lariat was derived from numerous crosses that
included Maverick, a popular variety released by NDSU, Aztec and
Winchester. The parentage in Lariat also includes several
experimental lines from the NDSU and Michigan State University
breeding programs. The final cross to develop Lariat was made
during the 1998 greenhouse season.
Selections from the cross were made in New Zealand and Puerto
Rico, where the bean breeding project has winter nurseries.
Additional selections, evaluations and increases were made at
numerous sites in east-central North Dakota (Forest River,
Hatton, Johnstown and the NDSU Carrington Research Extension
Additional evaluations were made at other NDSU Research
Extension Centers and the Midwest Regional Performance Nurseries
in Michigan, Nebraska, Colorado and North Dakota.
Averaged across numerous locations, Lariat has out-yielded
Buster and Maverick by almost 4 percent and 14.5 percent,
respectively. Lariat has resistance to bean common mosaic virus
and local races of leaf rust.
Lariat matures an average of five days later than Maverick and
has excellent seed size, shape and appearance. The seed is very
uniform in size, has a lighter background color and is slightly
larger than Maverick.
Lariat has an upright, short vine with good lodging resistance.
It exhibits very good uniform dry down of both pods and plants.
The improved plant structure, combined with its uniform dry
down, suggests that this line may be suitable for direct
combining using the appropriate equipment and operator care.
The NDSU Research Foundation will apply for plant variety
protection with Title V and collect research fees on this
variety. |