Bob Sampson, University of
Market participants and policy makers
should be aware of the consequences of a large shortfall in U.S.
corn production in 2007 and begin making plans even if that
outcome is unlikely, conclude two
University of Illinois
(U of I) agricultural economists.
"At this stage of the 2007 growing
season, there is certainly no indication of a substantial
shortfall in U.S. corn production, nor are we predicting such an
outcome," said Darrel Good, U of I Extension marketing
specialist who with his Department of Agricultural and Consumer
Economics colleague Scott Irwin prepared a recent report on the
topic. "Discussion of market and policy implications of such a
shortfall, then, may appear to be premature, unrealistic, or
event alarmist.
"However, it is important to recognize
potential worst-case scenarios and that history indicates that
production shortfalls as large as 30 or 40 percent, though
unlikely, are possible. By thinking ahead, market participants
and policy makers can develop plans to manage such shortfalls
and consider appropriate policy responses."
Good and Irwin's report, "2007 U.S. Corn
Production Risks: What Does History Teach Us?" is the inaugural
edition of a new online newsletter, "Marketing and Outlook
Briefs" (
that appears on U of I Extension's farmdoc website.
In their report, Good and Irwin outline
the current conditions in U.S. markets where corn prices are
especially sensitive to the prospective size of the U.S. crop in
years when stocks are relatively low and/or in years of robust
demand for corn.
"During those periods, a substantial
shortfall in production would be very disruptive to the corn
market, require significant adjustments by end user, and have
the potential to increase food prices," said Good. "Instances of
substantial shortfalls in the size of the U.S. crop when stocks
were low and demand was strong have been rare, 1974 and 1995 are
two examples, but years with the potential for such an
occurrence have been more numerous.
"The current year is one of those
Today's U.S. corn market is driven by
four factors: rapidly expanding consumption due primarily to
more corn being used for ethanol production; declining
inventories; high prices; and reported intentions to increase
planted acreage.
The report outlines a number of
production scenarios that could occur in the 2007 crop year and
estimates consumption and price implications of those scenarios.
"Our study suggests that, based on
historic production patterns, there is an 80 percent probability
that the 2007 crop will be between 10 percent smaller than
expected and 16.7 percent larger than expected," said Good.
"Production in this range would likely have few, if any, policy
"Larger shortfalls in production,
however, might be more problematic due to the small level of old
crop stocks on hand at the beginning of the 2007-08 marketing
year and the very robust demand for corn expected from the
ethanol sector. An important public policy question, then, is
with an extreme shortfall in production, would the market be
allowed to allocate the crop among users or would such a
shortfall in corn production induce government intervention?"
Normally, the market has been allowed to
sort out the problems with the largest adjustments taking place
in the livestock sector.
"There has been one exception. Short
supplies and high soybeans prices in 1973 resulted in an embargo
on U.S. exports," said Good. "Such an embargo on corn exports
might be considered, but the potential negative impact on
longer-term trade relationships would make an embargo a very
unpopular alternative."
Aside from the need for market
participants and policy makers to begin at least thinking about
potential serious shortfalls in 2007 corn production, Good and
Irwin conclude the present situation has other policy
"Corn prices are expected to remain
generally high and extremely volatile for an extended period of
time," said Good. "The combination of a low level of stocks and
an increasing portion of corn consumption occurring in the
ethanol sector, where demand is relatively price insensitive,
suggests that prices will be extremely responsive to small
changes in U.S. and world production prospects or changes in
demand for corn in any other sector. Prices of other commodities
will also be influenced.
"Provisions of the new 'farm bill' are
expected to reflect this changing environment. Careful
consideration of potential market impact should be given to
policies encouraging additional bio-fuels production. Other
considerations might include provision for a corn reserve in
years of large production to provide a buffer for a future
shortfall in production."