Indianapolis, Indiana
May 24, 2007
Dow AgroSciences announced today that it has received
federal registration for
SureStart™ herbicide, a new soil-applied foundation
herbicide specifically designed for use in Roundup Ready® corn.
Developed for the way growers prefer to control weeds in Roundup
Ready corn, SureStart provides consistent, broad-spectrum
control of early emerging grasses and both small- and
large-seeded broadleaf weeds for up to six weeks.
"Because it can be applied from preplant up to 11-inch-tall
corn, SureStart provides Roundup Ready corn a clean start from
grasses and broadleaf weeds. University trials have shown these
weeds compete for moisture, sunlight and nutrients, which reduce
the yield and profit potential of corn," says Damon Palmer,
product manager for Dow AgroSciences. "SureStart truly fits what
growers need to complement glyphosate in a Roundup Ready
Three modes of action enable SureStart to deliver control of a
broad spectrum of difficult-to-control grasses and broadleaf
weeds, including lambsquarters, waterhemp, pigweed, common and
giant ragweed, nightshade, velvetleaf, foxtails, crabgrass,
barnyardgrass and many more.
In 2006 trials conducted throughout the Corn Belt, SureStart
herbicide provided superior control of more weed species than
commonly used foundation treatments in Roundup Ready corn (Table
Table 1. Weed control efficacy of
SureStart™ herbicide |
Bruce Maddy, product technology
specialist for Dow AgroSciences, recommends applying 1.5 to 2
pts./A of SureStart as a preemergence application, though its
flexibility allows applications any time from preplant up to
11-inch-tall corn.
"The use of SureStart is a critical first step in a two-pass
program," Maddy says. "It allows growers to follow with a single
post glyphosate application at a labeled rate to later-emerging
weeds that are smaller, more uniform and easier to control."
Maddy adds that SureStart helps growers manage the risk of yield
loss associated with delayed glyphosate applications due to
weather conditions or equipment problems. Data from 35
experiments in nine states over the course of two years found
that a soil-applied herbicide followed by glyphosate yielded 7
percent more than a post treatment of glyphosate alone*.
For example, if a grower expects corn yields of 200 bu./A by
protecting his crop with a soil-applied product like SureStart,
he could lose 14 bu./A, on average, by attempting to control
weeds with a single post glyphosate spray. At today's $3/bu.
corn prices, growers can increase their gross revenue potential
by more than $40/A by using a soil-applied product like
SureStart herbicide.
Maddy adds that with its three active ingredients, SureStart is
the ideal tool growers can use to break the cycle of continual
glyphosate use that has led to numerous weeds having been
identified as either resistant or tolerant to glyphosate
throughout the Corn Belt - weeds like marestail, waterhemp,
lambsquarters, plus common and giant ragweed.
"The corn herbicide market is changing drastically with the
rapid adoption of traits. After listening to growers and
projecting future needs to maximize their production in Roundup
Ready corn, we are excited to introduce SureStart herbicide,"
Palmer says. "SureStart will assist in the maximization of yield
through broad-spectrum foundation weed control and help growers
combat the increasing glyphosate resistance and tolerance
problems that continue to plague growers' acres."
To learn more about SureStart herbicide, visit
*Chris Boerboom. Herbicide Timing in Roundup Ready Corn.
Available at: Accessed April 16,
SureStart™ is a trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC
®Roundup Ready is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company.
SureStart, Balance Pro, Bicep II Magnum, Guardsman Max and Lumax
are federally Restricted Use Pesticides.
SureStart is not registered for sale or use in all states.
Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a
product is registered for sale or use in your state.
Always read and follow label directions. |