Melbourne, Australia
May 9, 2007
The Minister for
Innovation, John Brumby, today announced that research
scientists from Victoria, Australia have developed a technology
that could lead to doubled crop yields.
Mr Brumby told the BIO 2007 Conference in Boston the new
technology delayed the leaf ageing process, enhanced biomass
production, increased seed yield and also had potential
molecular farming applications.
“It will mean farmers can get the same crop yield from half the
land being used,” Mr Brumby said.
“The modification of plant ageing, referred to as plant leaf
senescence, has important agricultural consequences and leads to
a wide range of potential applications.
“The delayed leaf senescence leads to increased carbon fixation
and thus to enhanced seed yields, increased production and
quality. This research has huge potential for farmers all around
the world.”
The Minister for Agriculture, Joe Helper, said scientists from
the Department of Primary
Industries had collaborated with researchers from
La Trobe University to
develop the delayed senescence technology.
“This delayed senescence is based on the targeted modification
of cytokinin, the natural plant hormone that influences growth
and development, in plants,” Mr Helper said.
White clover
enhanced with LXR technology. Scientists from
Victoria, Australia, demonstrated that the
technology can lead to increased carbon fixation
and thus to enhanced seed yields, increased
herbage production and quality. |
“Using this technology which has
been named LXR cytokinin levels are increased in plants under
the control of a highly developmentally regulated plant gene
“The LXR also offers significant opportunities for applications
in molecular farming which in turn could result in high value
products for health, bioenergy and environmental outcomes.”
DPI Research Director, Professor German Spangenberg, said
initial trials of LXR technology under laboratory and glasshouse
conditions had been undertaken using white clover, a key
temperate pasture legume.
“Results of the field evaluation of LXR white clover have shown
a doubling of seed yields thus demonstrating the potential of
the LXR technology to enhance seed production,” Professor
Spangenberg said.
“The LXR technology is being further developed and
commercialised through the Australian agricultural biotechnology
company, Phytogene, a wholly owned subsidiary of Agriculture
Victoria Services Pty Ltd.”
Professor Spangenberg said that the LXR delayed senescence
technology is currently being evaluated in a range of crops
including wheat, canola and lucerne (alfalfa) under laboratory,
and glasshouse conditions prior to field trials.
Mr Helper said the Bracks Government’s recent announcement of a
new $180 million biosciences research centre would boost
Victoria’s ability to make these important scientific
To be located in Melbourne, the
centre will build on Victoria’s international reputation in
plant and animal molecular genetics, and its application for
productivity, quality improvement, adaptation to climate change
and biosecurity preparedness. |