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U.S. soybean checkoff assesses soybean meal future outlook


St. Louis, Missouri
May 7, 2007

Demand for soy biodiesel has soared, with 75 million gallons of biodiesel produced and sold in 2005 and an estimated 225 million gallons produced and sold in 2006. That’s great news, but it is important for soybean farmers to understand how the increased use of soy oil for biodiesel production will impact the meal side of the soybean industry.

“To fulfill the increased demand for biodiesel, it’s expected more soybeans will have to be crushed, resulting in additional soybean meal supplies,” says George Martin, United Soybean Board (USB) Soybean Meal Task Force chair and soybean farmer from Nebo, Ky. “This leaves soybean farmers and the rest of the industry to answer the question: ‘What will happen to all the additional soybean meal?’”

To answer that question, USB and the soybean checkoff launched a Soybean Meal Task Force and commissioned a comprehensive study, “Soybean Meal Evaluation to 2020.” The 250-page study serves as an information resource and planning tool to help soybean farmers and the soybean industry anticipate possible scenarios for demand and customer needs for the future. The study found that the future of soybean meal is influenced by many factors, such as petroleum oil prices, export markets, the global animal agriculture scenario, competition from alternative feed ingredients and improved compositional traits for soybeans.

Research showed that increased domestic crush to produce more oil for biodiesel production could have a significant impact on exports by the year 2020. Currently, the majority of soybean exports produced in the United States are exported as whole beans, but in the future the soybean industry may need to export more soybean meal rather than whole soybeans. Cultivating exports of soybean meal will be extremely important, but maintaining current markets is even more critical. This means fostering domestic animal agriculture, which currently consumes 98 percent of the soybean meal used in this country.

“Virtually all of U.S. soybean meal is fed to U.S. livestock and poultry, so we have to keep animal agriculture viable in this country,” says Martin. “We can’t afford to export livestock and poultry production to other countries. Bottom line, if you are a fan of biodiesel, then you need to be a fan of U.S. animal agriculture. Their viability goes hand in hand.”

The report expects U.S. animal agriculture to be able to utilize about 20 percent of the increased supplies of soybean meal. To make sure that happens, the soybean checkoff continues to support meat and poultry exports, as well as research to provide feed formulators with soybean meal that best fits the needs of livestock and poultry producers. In addition, soybean farmers need to understand that their success is tied to domestic animal agriculture, and that they should support their fellow livestock farmers, when they encounter challenges to doing business.

USB is made up of 64 farmer-directors who oversee the investments of the soybean checkoff on behalf of all U.S. soybean farmers. Checkoff funds are invested in the areas of animal utilization, human utilization, industrial utilization, industry relations, market access and supply. As stipulated in the Soybean Promotion, Research and Customer Information Act, USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service has oversight responsibilities for USB and the soybean checkoff.





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