Monsanto Company (NYSE:
MON) said today it is disappointed that a preliminary injunction
will affect the plans of many farmers who want to use Roundup
Ready alfalfa in their forage operations. The preliminary
injunction was issued in a lawsuit currently pending in the U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of California; the
lawsuit was brought by the Center for Food Safety and others
against the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as Geertson
Seed Farms Inc. et al. v. Mike Johanns, et al. In this case, the
court had previously ruled that USDA had failed to follow
procedural requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act
in granting non-regulated status to Roundup Ready alfalfa under
the Plant Protection Act, and would have to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement.
"We are hopeful that a reasoned approach
in this matter will address questions about the regulatory
approval process for Roundup Ready alfalfa while maintaining
farmer access to this beneficial technology," said Jerry
Steiner, executive vice president for Monsanto. "The extensive
regulatory dossier for Roundup Ready alfalfa, combined with
farmer stewardship agreements, provides a robust and responsible
approach to managing the environmental questions raised by the
plaintiffs in this case."
The March 12 preliminary injunction
order allows continued harvest, use and sale of Roundup Ready
alfalfa, but placed limits on the purchase and planting of seed
until further hearings are held. Growers who intend to plant
Roundup Ready alfalfa and have already purchased the seed as of
March 12 may do so if said seed is planted by March 30, 2007.
The order also said growers intending to plant alfalfa after
March 30, 2007, must plant non-genetically engineered alfalfa
and that sales of Roundup Ready alfalfa seed are prohibited
after March 12 pending the court's decision on permanent
injunctive relief. The court has scheduled oral arguments on the
nature of any permanent injunctive relief in this case for April
27, 2007.
In some parts of the country, the March
30 planting deadline does not leave enough time to plant Roundup
Ready alfalfa that has been purchased. "We don't plant alfalfa
until the middle of May," said Dale Scheps, who operates a
145-cow dairy farm in Almena, Wisc. Scheps planted 35 acres of
Roundup Ready alfalfa in 2006 and had already purchased enough
seed to plant another 35 acres in 2007.
"It's a major setback to have this
technology taken away from us," Scheps said. "It will needlessly
drive up our feed costs because we will have to replace superior
quality hay."
Monsanto, Forage Genetics International
and several farmers were granted intervenor status in this case
on March 8. Plaintiffs, defendants and intervenors can
participate in oral arguments for this case on April 27.
The court has already accepted the fact
that Roundup Ready alfalfa poses no harm to humans and
livestock. As part of its regulatory filing for Roundup Ready
alfalfa in April 2004, Monsanto provided USDA with an extensive
dossier that addresses a variety of environmental, stewardship
and crop management considerations. Other regulatory agencies
around the world, including Canada and Japan, have confirmed the
environmental safety of Roundup Ready alfalfa.